Mueller Report Topic

As usual all3 needs to read more. Details are everything. Headlines are meaningless. I haven't seen any "headlines" claiming "Dems greatly disappointed"....... maybe it's an indicator of the bias within the things he reads!
3/24/2019 10:50 AM
Posted by bagchucker on 3/24/2019 10:24:00 AM (view original):
count the convictions, the years in the poke

trump's campaign manager, your guy's guy

you should just say His guy was dirty

so we could all move on
People around Trump have been found guilty, yet somehow he hasn't. You should just admit that, so we can all move on.
You don't stop and ask yourself why? Are people really that loyal to him? Is he really that smart, to have covered every single trail? Or is he simply being made guilty by association by people who love to hate him? Maybe we never know.
Again, all I ask for OUR POTUS, or for anyone, is wait until they are proven guilty before trying to punish them. That is a basic American right, that seems to be oh so frequently forgotten these days.
3/24/2019 11:36 AM
Lock Him up!

Lock Him up!

Lock Him up!
3/24/2019 1:18 PM
Posted by all3 on 3/24/2019 11:36:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker on 3/24/2019 10:24:00 AM (view original):
count the convictions, the years in the poke

trump's campaign manager, your guy's guy

you should just say His guy was dirty

so we could all move on
People around Trump have been found guilty, yet somehow he hasn't. You should just admit that, so we can all move on.
You don't stop and ask yourself why? Are people really that loyal to him? Is he really that smart, to have covered every single trail? Or is he simply being made guilty by association by people who love to hate him? Maybe we never know.
Again, all I ask for OUR POTUS, or for anyone, is wait until they are proven guilty before trying to punish them. That is a basic American right, that seems to be oh so frequently forgotten these days.
He hasn't been found guilty YET. That doesn't mean he won't be. Also doesn't mean he will be. Who knows? I certainly don't.
3/24/2019 1:24 PM
Just as I'm not going to trust Trump's AG's "summary" of the report as "nothing to see here", neither would I trust the Democrats assessment of the report should they see it before the public does.

That's why it needs to be released to the public, so we can all make our own judgements without going through biased political filters.
3/24/2019 5:22 PM
3/24/2019 5:34 PM
3/25/2019 5:12 AM
bank robber you?

its not clear the bank got robbed because the bank admits nothing

they can't find evidence you robbed the bank so you don't get indicted

they find some evidence you conspired to hide the crime and they find some evidence you didn't

some of your associates and employees were seen stealin a getaway car and thowin a gun off a bridge

but that could be for other robberies or for practice or for fun

with no crime its hard to arrest you for bein the boss of the robbery
3/25/2019 10:46 AM
Posted by tecwrg on 3/24/2019 5:22:00 PM (view original):
Just as I'm not going to trust Trump's AG's "summary" of the report as "nothing to see here", neither would I trust the Democrats assessment of the report should they see it before the public does.

That's why it needs to be released to the public, so we can all make our own judgements without going through biased political filters.
This. We need to see the report.
3/25/2019 12:21 PM
Barr who looks like Bannon will be the decider on that
3/25/2019 12:31 PM
"We need to see the report."

Surely. I'd like to find out what the report did "establish"............... not just what the AG says that it "did not establish".........

Clearly Mueller said (He is quoted by Barr, I hear) the investigation did NOT exonerate the POTUS.

OK. what did it say??

For now, I'm relieved to find out that Mueller couldn't "establish" conspiracy with the Russians by Trump.
But, just what DID he find out?
Those were OUR tax dollars spent......... we have a right to know all non-classified information!
We want the POTUS cleared (IF possible) or revealed for what he actually IS, if not a wrongly suspicion-ed POTUS!
3/25/2019 12:34 PM
It was 25 million. That's nothing. On average, the American taxpayer paid 18 cents. I don't understand the whole 'It's costing us money' argument.

And, by the way, if it is found that there was a shady start to the investigation or that Democrats are corrupt, I want them to be investigated. I am all for accountability on both sides. And IF Trump didn't collude or obstruct justice I am very happy about that.

But one thing that I think needs to be talked about more is that IF the Mueller investigation's results are similar to what Barr reports, all the talk of 'deep state' and conspiracies involving Mueller were bullshit. Everyone who was spreading that bullshit need to be held just as accountable as the people who were jumping to conclusions about the investigation. There is no difference between jumping to conclusions that the report would indite Trump and jumping to conclusions that it wouldn't.

Anyway, Tang the soothsayer was right on the money again. Democrats are right on a majority of issues and have the majority of Americans on their side, but they are incompetent politically. Republicans played this one perfectly. No matter what the conclusion of the report was, they won. Trump is untouchable. He's going to win in 2020. Nothing matters.

Tang the soothsayer says that Trump will crush a Harris/Beto ticket in 2020, and 2024 will finally be the blue wave.
3/25/2019 10:13 PM (edited)
Posted by all3 on 3/24/2019 11:36:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker on 3/24/2019 10:24:00 AM (view original):
count the convictions, the years in the poke

trump's campaign manager, your guy's guy

you should just say His guy was dirty

so we could all move on
People around Trump have been found guilty, yet somehow he hasn't. You should just admit that, so we can all move on.
You don't stop and ask yourself why? Are people really that loyal to him? Is he really that smart, to have covered every single trail? Or is he simply being made guilty by association by people who love to hate him? Maybe we never know.
Again, all I ask for OUR POTUS, or for anyone, is wait until they are proven guilty before trying to punish them. That is a basic American right, that seems to be oh so frequently forgotten these days.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't you spread deep state conspiracies about the Mueller investigation and call for its end before the report was out?
3/25/2019 10:11 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 3/25/2019 12:34:00 PM (view original):
"We need to see the report."

Surely. I'd like to find out what the report did "establish"............... not just what the AG says that it "did not establish".........

Clearly Mueller said (He is quoted by Barr, I hear) the investigation did NOT exonerate the POTUS.

OK. what did it say??

For now, I'm relieved to find out that Mueller couldn't "establish" conspiracy with the Russians by Trump.
But, just what DID he find out?
Those were OUR tax dollars spent......... we have a right to know all non-classified information!
We want the POTUS cleared (IF possible) or revealed for what he actually IS, if not a wrongly suspicion-ed POTUS!
could very well and probably will show lack of coordination but definite willingness to be the recipient of information.
no cospiracy to aid and abet or be involved in actual hacking but public and private willingness to get info and fail to report possible link between stone and russia thru wikileaks...when stone was getting updates he was not in campaign.
all theabove not crimes but could be impeachable...but not criminally coordinated.
dont besurprised if there is plenty of commentary about trump being under sway of russia - impeachable but not criminal.
compromised by tower deal...impeachable but not criminal...probably in report.
on obstruction.......probably very impeachable..could be impeached but the senate wont convict.
3/25/2019 10:29 PM
Tang, You just demonstrated quite well the "problem" some have with the "youth" and supposed poverty. Like for example, folks somehow collecting gov't handouts intended for our "needy" while wearing 1000's of dollars worth of tattoos and staring non-stop at their 500 buck smart phone in their 300 buck (??) fancy-*** tennis shoes with the laces undone, and the 50 buck pair of denim jeans hanging below their *** crack! And they ain't plumbers believe me, they wouldn't think of doing that kind of actual WORK, no sirreee Jim Bob.

25 Million tax dollars....................that's nothing..............nope, NADA, no problemo, spend away, keep the public uninformed, i.e. STUPID!
Something happens when you spend away all you make today without the concept of tomorrow, when no one may want you at all, much less enough to pay you to do some menial task, because obviously (because you're then old and poor!) you ain't smart enough to handle a task that requires MUCH thought, thus menial labor, if ANY!

Bottom line is IF you spend MY money, I want to know ON WHAT? What FOR? What did I get for it??
3/26/2019 12:28 PM
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Mueller Report Topic

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