Mueller Report Topic

Posted by strikeout26 on 3/27/2019 10:01:00 AM (view original):
So, you're one of those people that hang on that limb? "The other side did crappy stuff, so we can too." I thought better.
No. I just value consistency. If you want apologies, fine. I don't think I ever claimed collusion. But you have to be consistent in your outrage.

And by the way, I don't think it's right for anyone to do it.
3/27/2019 4:04 PM
I'm pretty sure I have been consistent in my bashing of all of them. If I recall, all3 got mad at me a week or so ago for bashing the republicans. I don't have to bash both parties in every post to be consistent.

I have laughed just as hard at the left for their Trump/Russia conspiracy as I laugh at Alex Jones and his followers.
3/27/2019 4:30 PM
Fair enough, I just get frustrated at the lack of consistency among many prominent Republicans.
3/27/2019 4:38 PM
It "amazing" how many people are now claiming they have never wanted anything but the "truth", and they never said the Mueller Report would be Trump's end, or that he undoubtedly colluded. To those of you who know you're full of sheit, you realize those posts still exist, right? Try not to hurt yourself reversing position too quick.
3/27/2019 5:37 PM
im not reversing.

1. collusion vs conspiracy......preponderance vs substantial vs beyond a reasonable doubt.
2. it appears that mueller wanted congress to rule in on obstruction..made point of saying no exoneration...barr may have done the unexpected to protect trump before he could be indicted after he loses re -election....barr looks a bit fishy.
3. there may be develpoed evidence that trump felt compromised by the tower deal.....not criminal but impeachable.
3/27/2019 6:29 PM (edited)
let me add..trump has a right tobe happy about his man barr..the fix guy....but the full report i think will be very nasty to him.
without the tapes nixon would not have been impeached.....plenty of insulated mafia guys sometimes roll free.
3/27/2019 5:47 PM
another comment and question.

1. what was flynn flam man's role.....what did he tell mueller...why did trump seem to fear him......what info did he provide......
2. manafort may have been the lynch pin piece of evidence aginst trump he needed....but could not get.
3/27/2019 5:57 PM
last but not least..

the people have the power.
the people in a democratic republic ( i fear the miami man ) have an absolute right to the report.

read..listen and learn.
3/27/2019 5:59 PM
Let's be honest with ourselves for a second. Trump has done a lot of crap in his day. He is a scumbag, but Trump is looking pretty good right now despite the dems continuing to push their conspiracy theories. Mueller spent over two years investigating whether Trump conspired with Russia in the 2016 election. He could not find the evidence of this in OVER two years despite the Russians making multiple offers to assist Trump. Trump has also said that he is okay with the full report being released. If there was evidence of his guilt in the report he would not have said this.

At this point, this is nothing more than the left trying to damage Trump's re-election which is going to backfire big time. It might be time for you guys to move on to something that's actually real.

As far as obstruction of justice, Trump has every right to fire Comey. It was well within the president's power. Was he right for doing it? I don't know, but it was well within his power. He could have fired him for chewing gum the wrong way. He has that power.

Like I said, it's time for the left to move onto something else instead of digging a deeper and deeper whole.
3/27/2019 8:24 PM
And as far as the full report being released, that is impossible. It would violate law.
3/27/2019 8:26 PM
i dont agree...lets see the report dont know that mueller found " no " evidence....ithink mueller was looking for stronger evidence...that wasnt circumstantial.
3/27/2019 8:27 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 3/27/2019 8:26:00 PM (view original):
And as far as the full report being released, that is impossible. It would violate law.
some classified yes but it will all be released to congress and the classified can with redactions.
3/27/2019 8:28 PM
“The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,”

This is a quote from Mueller. He did one of the most thorough investigations in history and could not establish it. It's pretty clear that the evidence is not there that Trump conspired. You're fighting the wrong fight, Dino. It looks like at this point that you actually wanted our president to have worked with the Russians. You seem disappointed that he didn't and I think that is why you are grasping at straws. That is a terrible mindset to have. I know you hate Trump. That is fine. You have that right. I don't hate him, but I certainly don't like him. But I beg of you to love our country enough to applaud the fact that our president (regardless of who it is) is not a traitor.

If you really hate him that much, root for him to lose in 2020. That's how this country works. Despite the fact that HRC has blamed everyone on the earth except herself for losing, Trump won fair and square.

This Russia crap is reaching a point that is hurting your cause. Also, you guys are great at picking crappy candidates. There is still a lot of moderates left. Your candidates are battling right now to see who can be the furthest left. That is not a smart play at all.
3/28/2019 8:10 AM
It killed the Dems 4 months ago in the elections. And this time many many more Repug Senators are up against it

Thanks, Donny for repealing and not replacing ACA as a hot new issue.
3/28/2019 8:35 AM
"DID NOT ESTABLISH THAT" Trump (or members of his campaign) conspired or coordinated with the Russian Gov't is NOT a very inspiring statement that CLEARS Trump of anything.

It is quite clear that Mueller very carefully used language that does NOT vindicate Trump in this investigation.
It is also quite clear that the Trump investigations continue on (NYC and DC) and these investigations are the inquiries that MAY be the route to the public's learning ALL ABOUT the Trump Con's activities over the last decade or two.

Let's see how crazy you continuing supporters of Trump really are.

All those who believe that Trump will eventually be cleared of ANY nefarious or criminal behavior and that HE is a POTUS we can be proud of please post following this post with your statements of support!!

3/28/2019 8:48 AM
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Mueller Report Topic

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