I've seen conservatives define "leftist" as anyone left of a neocon. The actual definition really should be anti-capitalist. In America right now, I normally use the term to describe people who are significantly left of the modern Democratic Party (socdems like Bernie are leftists in America right now).
8/22/2020 2:55 PM
You forgot #11. realize that #10 is just the words of a conservative and means nothing
8/22/2020 2:57 PM
Posted by tangplay on 8/22/2020 2:55:00 PM (view original):
I've seen conservatives define "leftist" as anyone left of a neocon. The actual definition really should be anti-capitalist. In America right now, I normally use the term to describe people who are significantly left of the modern Democratic Party (socdems like Bernie are leftists in America right now).
Agree to disagree. Bernie is a Democrat.
8/22/2020 3:11 PM
The Democratic Party is a big tent and Bernie is a leader and the leading voice on Medicare for all and free state university tuition already part of the platform and Medicare for all is the spoken goal of scores of major dems even if not for this moment.
8/22/2020 3:16 PM
Medicare for all and free tuition are exactly the kind of feel-good policies it takes absolutely no courage to support. What takes courage is to say is that college loses its value once it's free. That it is not feasible, sustainable , or wise. But the other plan makes you look like a good person, so it's what courage-less politicians will support.
8/22/2020 3:23 PM (edited)
Simple example 1: there is, in my experience, a very discernible differencee in effort put forth by students who have to pay their own way through college versus those who have their parents pay for it.
8/22/2020 3:31 PM (edited)
All I can say is I hope we can drown out your view of what contributes to a great society.
and hope you do realize free state university for kids who can’t afford expensive college even if they work is not all colleges and universities.
8/22/2020 3:32 PM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 8/22/2020 3:31:00 PM (view original):
Simple example 1: there is, in my experience, a very discernible differencee in effort put forth by students who have to pay their own way through college versus those who have their parents pay for it.
Parents paying for it is not equivalent to taxpayer-funded, but even so, I would LOVE to see a study on this of some sort?

I'm not married to the idea of free college; if you could prove that it's a bad idea, I would agree with you. Regardless, I love the dodge of all of my points, you'll probably go right back to owning the leftists with the same false narratives tomorrow.
8/22/2020 3:40 PM
Never have I more disagreed with a post I've read on this website. I am sick to my stomach thinking about the fact that people exist who have this worldview. It's reprehensible. It's evil. Telling someone to take responsibility for themselves discounts a history of racism and privilege that defines this country. Guitarguy you are officially blocked by me going forward.
8/22/2020 4:13 PM
I’d like to understand how free High school education and free college education is so different and how the goals so differ.

leftist schmeftist.
slogans don’t buy you progress.
goals and vehicles which are parties do.
8/22/2020 4:18 PM
Posted by coreander on 8/22/2020 4:13:00 PM (view original):
Never have I more disagreed with a post I've read on this website. I am sick to my stomach thinking about the fact that people exist who have this worldview. It's reprehensible. It's evil. Telling someone to take responsibility for themselves discounts a history of racism and privilege that defines this country. Guitarguy you are officially blocked by me going forward.
Agree to agree.
8/22/2020 4:22 PM
I strongly believe that so called world view is a rationalized form of masked racism.
8/22/2020 4:24 PM
Every white boomer that wants to tell you how they earned all they have, the post. Such utter BS. Without white privilege, this post wouldn't exist. Defund the police.
8/22/2020 4:38 PM
Posted by coreander on 8/22/2020 4:13:00 PM (view original):
Never have I more disagreed with a post I've read on this website. I am sick to my stomach thinking about the fact that people exist who have this worldview. It's reprehensible. It's evil. Telling someone to take responsibility for themselves discounts a history of racism and privilege that defines this country. Guitarguy you are officially blocked by me going forward.
once again, I must point out that you are an idiot. Telling people to take responsibility for their actions is wrong? That does seem to fit in with the rest of your worldview. Why should you have to work to get anything when you can just take it from those who have worked to get what they have.
8/22/2020 5:33 PM
You did not read what he said. Read it again.
you don’t have the sufficient inspiration to walk in the many shoes of the many discriminated people throughout the centuries of this country and what it did to people and families and culture and psyche both individual and collective.

no white person even Jewish can in this country walk in the shoes of the African American people of our country and racism systemized exists. Can we spell republicans and trump.

coreander is not an idiot and I agree with a lot of his passion. We all should.
8/22/2020 5:47 PM (edited)
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