Packing the Court Topic

ACB will be confirmed (as she should be).

If Biden signals that he supports packing the Court, it will be a more undemocratic and proto-fascist move than ANYTHING trump has done during his presidency, who, by the way, with Covid-19 was handed the reichstag fire of all reichstag fires and still did not suspend our democratic system/take extra-constitutional powers during the crisis.

If Biden supports court packing, it will be the greatest threat our American democratic system has ever faced. It will signal the real possibility that our country is headed towards a one-party system. And, as such, totalitarianism.
10/22/2020 10:17 AM
The Dems/Libs have repeatedly proven over the last 4 years that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to (the lies, game-playing, looting and destruction for starters), in order to try to get what they want. Should Biden win, I have no doubt we will see 13 or more SC Judges. Then the next time the Repubs hold the cards, we'll see more, and so on. That's how far the two Parties have drug down the Political system in this Country. Neither gives a d*mn about you, me or any other citizen. Neither gives a d*mn about this Country, it's past, or it's future. All they worry about is power, power, power. It's sad to watch.
10/22/2020 10:50 AM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 10/22/2020 10:17:00 AM (view original):
ACB will be confirmed (as she should be).

If Biden signals that he supports packing the Court, it will be a more undemocratic and proto-fascist move than ANYTHING trump has done during his presidency, who, by the way, with Covid-19 was handed the reichstag fire of all reichstag fires and still did not suspend our democratic system/take extra-constitutional powers during the crisis.

If Biden supports court packing, it will be the greatest threat our American democratic system has ever faced. It will signal the real possibility that our country is headed towards a one-party system. And, as such, totalitarianism.
I would challenge this, because you're obviously wrong, but you are too cowardly to actually defend your dumbass points anyway, so why bother.
10/22/2020 11:03 AM
Posted by all3 on 10/22/2020 10:50:00 AM (view original):
The Dems/Libs have repeatedly proven over the last 4 years that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to (the lies, game-playing, looting and destruction for starters), in order to try to get what they want. Should Biden win, I have no doubt we will see 13 or more SC Judges. Then the next time the Repubs hold the cards, we'll see more, and so on. That's how far the two Parties have drug down the Political system in this Country. Neither gives a d*mn about you, me or any other citizen. Neither gives a d*mn about this Country, it's past, or it's future. All they worry about is power, power, power. It's sad to watch.
The Republicans threw away all norms by refusing to vote on Merrick Garland, then did a complete 180 on all of their arguments this year simply because they wanted more power.

By the way, I'm not sure if I support court packing, but there needs to be some change to the process to even out the balance or make it more fair. The Republicans have tarnished the legimacy of the court. In my view, a 6-3 conservative court is illegitimate. Of course, the Republicans have no shame. The Democrats get nowhere by playing by the rules, "when they go low, we go high." We need to beat them at their own game.
10/22/2020 11:06 AM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 10/22/2020 10:17:00 AM (view original):
ACB will be confirmed (as she should be).

If Biden signals that he supports packing the Court, it will be a more undemocratic and proto-fascist move than ANYTHING trump has done during his presidency, who, by the way, with Covid-19 was handed the reichstag fire of all reichstag fires and still did not suspend our democratic system/take extra-constitutional powers during the crisis.

If Biden supports court packing, it will be the greatest threat our American democratic system has ever faced. It will signal the real possibility that our country is headed towards a one-party system. And, as such, totalitarianism.
You don’t understand democracy and the constitution do you?

10/22/2020 11:19 AM
Anybody making any argument against adding justices gets to hear McConnell’s take on adding judges in election years in 2016 and 2020. Sorry. He made the rules and new norms.
10/22/2020 11:21 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 10/22/2020 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 10/22/2020 10:17:00 AM (view original):
ACB will be confirmed (as she should be).

If Biden signals that he supports packing the Court, it will be a more undemocratic and proto-fascist move than ANYTHING trump has done during his presidency, who, by the way, with Covid-19 was handed the reichstag fire of all reichstag fires and still did not suspend our democratic system/take extra-constitutional powers during the crisis.

If Biden supports court packing, it will be the greatest threat our American democratic system has ever faced. It will signal the real possibility that our country is headed towards a one-party system. And, as such, totalitarianism.
You don’t understand democracy and the constitution do you?

I don't think he understands much of anything. AND I THOUGHT HE RETIRED!!!!
10/22/2020 12:25 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/22/2020 12:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Uofa2 on 10/22/2020 11:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 10/22/2020 10:17:00 AM (view original):
ACB will be confirmed (as she should be).

If Biden signals that he supports packing the Court, it will be a more undemocratic and proto-fascist move than ANYTHING trump has done during his presidency, who, by the way, with Covid-19 was handed the reichstag fire of all reichstag fires and still did not suspend our democratic system/take extra-constitutional powers during the crisis.

If Biden supports court packing, it will be the greatest threat our American democratic system has ever faced. It will signal the real possibility that our country is headed towards a one-party system. And, as such, totalitarianism.
You don’t understand democracy and the constitution do you?

I don't think he understands much of anything. AND I THOUGHT HE RETIRED!!!!
10/22/2020 12:46 PM
Posted by Uofa2 on 10/22/2020 11:21:00 AM (view original):
Anybody making any argument against adding justices gets to hear McConnell’s take on adding judges in election years in 2016 and 2020. Sorry. He made the rules and new norms.
I completely agree that things need to be "evened out", so to speak. However, I worry that packing the court isn't the best way to do it. I think better options would be term limits and statehood for DC.
10/22/2020 1:20 PM
Posted by tangplay on 10/22/2020 11:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 10/22/2020 10:50:00 AM (view original):
The Dems/Libs have repeatedly proven over the last 4 years that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to (the lies, game-playing, looting and destruction for starters), in order to try to get what they want. Should Biden win, I have no doubt we will see 13 or more SC Judges. Then the next time the Repubs hold the cards, we'll see more, and so on. That's how far the two Parties have drug down the Political system in this Country. Neither gives a d*mn about you, me or any other citizen. Neither gives a d*mn about this Country, it's past, or it's future. All they worry about is power, power, power. It's sad to watch.
The Republicans threw away all norms by refusing to vote on Merrick Garland, then did a complete 180 on all of their arguments this year simply because they wanted more power.

By the way, I'm not sure if I support court packing, but there needs to be some change to the process to even out the balance or make it more fair. The Republicans have tarnished the legimacy of the court. In my view, a 6-3 conservative court is illegitimate. Of course, the Republicans have no shame. The Democrats get nowhere by playing by the rules, "when they go low, we go high." We need to beat them at their own game.
Why is a 6-3 Republican court "illegitimate?"

I don't like the politics of how it gets that way, but everything was, in fact, done in complete accord with the law. There's nothing illegitimate about it.
10/22/2020 3:52 PM
Also, DC statehood is wildly stupid. We had this discussion briefly a few months ago. DC was taken from Maryland and Virginia because the nation's leaders believed it was important to have a Federal capital outside the boundaries of any of the states. I generally agree that the importance of this has probably waned. However, when the Federal government decided they needed less space they gave the territory taken from Virginia back to Virginia. It's now Arlington County. If the Federal government decides they don't need the rest it's clear that the appropriate action would be to cede the land back to Maryland. It's tiny in both area and population, there's no reason to make DC a state.

If Puerto Rico asks for statehood I'm all for that.
10/22/2020 3:56 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 10/22/2020 3:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/22/2020 11:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 10/22/2020 10:50:00 AM (view original):
The Dems/Libs have repeatedly proven over the last 4 years that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to (the lies, game-playing, looting and destruction for starters), in order to try to get what they want. Should Biden win, I have no doubt we will see 13 or more SC Judges. Then the next time the Repubs hold the cards, we'll see more, and so on. That's how far the two Parties have drug down the Political system in this Country. Neither gives a d*mn about you, me or any other citizen. Neither gives a d*mn about this Country, it's past, or it's future. All they worry about is power, power, power. It's sad to watch.
The Republicans threw away all norms by refusing to vote on Merrick Garland, then did a complete 180 on all of their arguments this year simply because they wanted more power.

By the way, I'm not sure if I support court packing, but there needs to be some change to the process to even out the balance or make it more fair. The Republicans have tarnished the legimacy of the court. In my view, a 6-3 conservative court is illegitimate. Of course, the Republicans have no shame. The Democrats get nowhere by playing by the rules, "when they go low, we go high." We need to beat them at their own game.
Why is a 6-3 Republican court "illegitimate?"

I don't like the politics of how it gets that way, but everything was, in fact, done in complete accord with the law. There's nothing illegitimate about it.
I don't think it's illegitimate legally. They worked within the rules, but violated the norms, just as court packing would be. It's illegitimate in terms of accordance with the public. The Supreme Court no longer represents the will of the people, and is now a partisan institution bent towards the Republican Party. Unless change happens, it appears the Court will remain that way for decades to come.
10/22/2020 4:06 PM
I agree with all of that. I still don't think you can call the court "illegitimate." I also don't think there's anything you can do to reverse the problem that isn't far less legitimate than what's happened so far.
10/22/2020 4:14 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 10/22/2020 3:56:00 PM (view original):
Also, DC statehood is wildly stupid. We had this discussion briefly a few months ago. DC was taken from Maryland and Virginia because the nation's leaders believed it was important to have a Federal capital outside the boundaries of any of the states. I generally agree that the importance of this has probably waned. However, when the Federal government decided they needed less space they gave the territory taken from Virginia back to Virginia. It's now Arlington County. If the Federal government decides they don't need the rest it's clear that the appropriate action would be to cede the land back to Maryland. It's tiny in both area and population, there's no reason to make DC a state.

If Puerto Rico asks for statehood I'm all for that.
I actually agree with you that ceding the land to Maryland is the *best* and most logical solution to the issue in a vacuum. I'm not ashamed to say that I support DC statehood primarily because it would benefit my preferred political party. I think something has to change in that situation regardless, but statehood seems like a good way to even out the Senate a little bit and it's supported by a clear majority of DC residents.

I'm unsure about Puerto Rican statehood because as I understand, it seems to be unpopular among the people who live there. If it is popular, I would want a referendum on it, ideally.

Oh, and before the right freaks out about me supporting something only because it benefits my preferred political party, think about what you are doing to the Court right now with ACB. At least my position is supported by the majority.
10/22/2020 4:14 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 10/22/2020 3:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/22/2020 11:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 10/22/2020 10:50:00 AM (view original):
The Dems/Libs have repeatedly proven over the last 4 years that there is no limit to the depths they will sink to (the lies, game-playing, looting and destruction for starters), in order to try to get what they want. Should Biden win, I have no doubt we will see 13 or more SC Judges. Then the next time the Repubs hold the cards, we'll see more, and so on. That's how far the two Parties have drug down the Political system in this Country. Neither gives a d*mn about you, me or any other citizen. Neither gives a d*mn about this Country, it's past, or it's future. All they worry about is power, power, power. It's sad to watch.
The Republicans threw away all norms by refusing to vote on Merrick Garland, then did a complete 180 on all of their arguments this year simply because they wanted more power.

By the way, I'm not sure if I support court packing, but there needs to be some change to the process to even out the balance or make it more fair. The Republicans have tarnished the legimacy of the court. In my view, a 6-3 conservative court is illegitimate. Of course, the Republicans have no shame. The Democrats get nowhere by playing by the rules, "when they go low, we go high." We need to beat them at their own game.
Why is a 6-3 Republican court "illegitimate?"

I don't like the politics of how it gets that way, but everything was, in fact, done in complete accord with the law. There's nothing illegitimate about it.
you don't have a problem with the republicans refusing to even consider Merrick Garland when Obama nominated him because it was an election year, but going ahead with the Comey hearings even though it is an election year?
10/22/2020 4:17 PM
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Packing the Court Topic

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