AOC is making lists, I am leaving the left Topic

lol jk **** all of you

AOC is completely right on this one, history will not allow us to forget those of you who supported Trump.

It is funny that deep down, Trump supporters know that history won't look back on them fondly, so they're already trying to cover it up or hide from it.
11/9/2020 12:53 PM
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I want a threesome with AOC + Huma Abedin
11/9/2020 1:50 PM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 11/9/2020 12:56:00 PM (view original):
I too admire Stalin's purges and Robespierre's idealism. Onward Comrade!
Yes, AOC is making these lists to kill Republicans. You are very smart. That was definitely the insinuation from her tweets.

After all, there is literally no middle ground between killing them and letting them rewrite history to avoid culpability. God, I'm so glad you backed out on your promise to leave these forums. What would we ever do without your genius political commentary?
11/9/2020 2:03 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/9/2020 12:53:00 PM (view original):
lol jk **** all of you

AOC is completely right on this one, history will not allow us to forget those of you who supported Trump.

It is funny that deep down, Trump supporters know that history won't look back on them fondly, so they're already trying to cover it up or hide from it.
Tang.. I really don't give a rip about what 'history' thinks on me, or the left thinks of me. I care what God knows about me far more. We need to live without fearing what others might think about us. This is called being free. If I was in the US I would have voted for him in 16, AND in 2020, I also totally hate it when some wanna be elitist leftie tries to dictate to me what I should think, or believe. That is what a dictator tries to do. eg is North Korea and the CCP in China. Some of you are thinking in a like manner

If you think I consider Trump the be all end all, you are again wrong. All human beings are flawed. This even includes you and me.

I wish the U.S. good luck with Biden in office.. and rather than post hate on him like you guys did to Trump, I will simply state that I think he will take the US into more government over the people, more speech laws, more new taxes, and therefore less freedom.. As for my opinion in his character, or lack of it.. nobody really wants to hear it.. be it good or bad. The one who makes me nervous is the Vice President, and her stated policies.. and I won't say any more on that.

When a nation turns from God as Canada and the US have done, it will come under wicked rulers and eventually tyranny. and please do not assume I suggest Trump is Godly.. I am talking about the one who made everything there is. Without his blessing, we are on our own. That is not as cool a deal as you might think. History proves this.

I hope someday you guys can see the sense in that.

To suggest that people are going to be slammed for how they voted is absurd, unless you think only you have a handle on what's right. Similarly, I could suggest that a vote for the left is a vote for the devil.. That said, I think AOC is one of his children. She is a bat --- crazy elitist with no love for anyone but herself and of course, for POWER
11/9/2020 2:10 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/9/2020 2:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 11/9/2020 12:56:00 PM (view original):
I too admire Stalin's purges and Robespierre's idealism. Onward Comrade!
Yes, AOC is making these lists to kill Republicans. You are very smart. That was definitely the insinuation from her tweets.

After all, there is literally no middle ground between killing them and letting them rewrite history to avoid culpability. God, I'm so glad you backed out on your promise to leave these forums. What would we ever do without your genius political commentary?
Why are you so unwilling to consider someone else's p.o.v.? Do you feel threatened by them? Guitar makes a point.
11/9/2020 2:12 PM
Can someone just post some pics of this AOC person?? I'd like to know who you're talking about.
11/9/2020 2:26 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/9/2020 2:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/9/2020 12:53:00 PM (view original):
lol jk **** all of you

AOC is completely right on this one, history will not allow us to forget those of you who supported Trump.

It is funny that deep down, Trump supporters know that history won't look back on them fondly, so they're already trying to cover it up or hide from it.
Tang.. I really don't give a rip about what 'history' thinks on me, or the left thinks of me. I care what God knows about me far more. We need to live without fearing what others might think about us. This is called being free. If I was in the US I would have voted for him in 16, AND in 2020, I also totally hate it when some wanna be elitist leftie tries to dictate to me what I should think, or believe. That is what a dictator tries to do. eg is North Korea and the CCP in China. Some of you are thinking in a like manner

If you think I consider Trump the be all end all, you are again wrong. All human beings are flawed. This even includes you and me.

I wish the U.S. good luck with Biden in office.. and rather than post hate on him like you guys did to Trump, I will simply state that I think he will take the US into more government over the people, more speech laws, more new taxes, and therefore less freedom.. As for my opinion in his character, or lack of it.. nobody really wants to hear it.. be it good or bad. The one who makes me nervous is the Vice President, and her stated policies.. and I won't say any more on that.

When a nation turns from God as Canada and the US have done, it will come under wicked rulers and eventually tyranny. and please do not assume I suggest Trump is Godly.. I am talking about the one who made everything there is. Without his blessing, we are on our own. That is not as cool a deal as you might think. History proves this.

I hope someday you guys can see the sense in that.

To suggest that people are going to be slammed for how they voted is absurd, unless you think only you have a handle on what's right. Similarly, I could suggest that a vote for the left is a vote for the devil.. That said, I think AOC is one of his children. She is a bat --- crazy elitist with no love for anyone but herself and of course, for POWER
So a dictatorship is when others try to convince you that your opinions are wrong? Ok. Maybe we just have radically different perspectives on what that word means.

You don't get to decide what God would or would not want. Even if you could, just a week ago you were talking about killing BLM protesters on sight. You're going straight to hell, my dude. Every actual Christian would disown you immediately. I don't typically make those types of judgements, but damn, you really are scum.

AOC an elitist? You clearly know nothing about American politics. She's constantly slammed for being a former bartender. Republicans ridicule her for being poor-middle class when she entered politics. She's probably one of the few members of Congress who's actually worked a real job. AOC has worked harder in her 31 years of living than Trump has in his 74.
11/9/2020 2:28 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/9/2020 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/9/2020 2:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 11/9/2020 12:56:00 PM (view original):
I too admire Stalin's purges and Robespierre's idealism. Onward Comrade!
Yes, AOC is making these lists to kill Republicans. You are very smart. That was definitely the insinuation from her tweets.

After all, there is literally no middle ground between killing them and letting them rewrite history to avoid culpability. God, I'm so glad you backed out on your promise to leave these forums. What would we ever do without your genius political commentary?
Why are you so unwilling to consider someone else's p.o.v.? Do you feel threatened by them? Guitar makes a point.
... not sure what you mean. I considered his point. It's a remarkably asinine one.

Also, the "Kill all BLM protesters" guy is lecturing ME about considering someone else's pov. Crazy.
11/9/2020 2:29 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/9/2020 2:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/9/2020 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/9/2020 2:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 11/9/2020 12:56:00 PM (view original):
I too admire Stalin's purges and Robespierre's idealism. Onward Comrade!
Yes, AOC is making these lists to kill Republicans. You are very smart. That was definitely the insinuation from her tweets.

After all, there is literally no middle ground between killing them and letting them rewrite history to avoid culpability. God, I'm so glad you backed out on your promise to leave these forums. What would we ever do without your genius political commentary?
Why are you so unwilling to consider someone else's p.o.v.? Do you feel threatened by them? Guitar makes a point.
... not sure what you mean. I considered his point. It's a remarkably asinine one.

Also, the "Kill all BLM protesters" guy is lecturing ME about considering someone else's pov. Crazy.
Sorry I wasted my time and it also ****** me off when people put words in my mouthy
11/9/2020 2:33 PM
You really want me to find the posts? What do you think you said?
11/9/2020 2:35 PM
11/9/2020 2:37 PM
11/9/2020 2:39 PM
"If antifa don't stop this crapola, I hope they all get violent. and not every militia man is a new nazi skinhead, either.."

"They should have opened fire with ak 47's and levelled the creeps. BUT, if one thinks they can 'reason' with antifa and BLM, let them dream

Most of the cities under siege are under democrat rule. Interesting thing, eh? State and local governments have done NOTHING to stop this carnage... and your homes are being destroyed right in front of your own eyes. DO something, or be under THEIR rule.. cuz that is their agenda.. You can see this.. I know you can"
11/9/2020 2:45 PM
Posted by tangplay on 11/9/2020 2:46:00 PM (view original):
"If antifa don't stop this crapola, I hope they all get violent. and not every militia man is a new nazi skinhead, either.."

"They should have opened fire with ak 47's and levelled the creeps. BUT, if one thinks they can 'reason' with antifa and BLM, let them dream

Most of the cities under siege are under democrat rule. Interesting thing, eh? State and local governments have done NOTHING to stop this carnage... and your homes are being destroyed right in front of your own eyes. DO something, or be under THEIR rule.. cuz that is their agenda.. You can see this.. I know you can"
Well ya know what? That was on Antifa. They were brning a downtown core of a city. They were beating up seniors. THEN they attacked a police station, and threatened to kill the police, YES. THAT is cause for an AK 47 level them all. Of course if you are one who likes this, and thinks we should just try to appease them.. then feel free to hang labels on me
11/9/2020 6:24 PM
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AOC is making lists, I am leaving the left Topic

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