The Whitey Bulger Effect Topic

Karma speaks.

You are too nice Bags......of course we's thinking the same thing.

It IS the name of the thread, right?
8/24/2021 11:33 AM

this might be a moment

where the math science measurable truth people get to burn the witches for a change

i mean look at the taliban trying to be nice

hell maybe we could all quit runnin air conditioning and save the goddam planet

but i know better

8/24/2021 11:44 AM
Posted by bagchucker on 8/24/2021 11:07:00 AM (view original):
oh here's another one

thankyou for your service, heartfelt radio talkshow patriot ignoramus

rsp would say see you in HELL you C*NT *** lying B*TCH

but i'm not like that
I'm not a fan of the "Heaven" and "Hell" concept so I've tried to stop doing that. I think ALL organized religion is bullshit. I WOULD, however, tell him to ENJOY "Hell" since most of these zealots love telling others that they're going there and they cling to the concept of it like flies on ****. Phil Valentine was almost as much of a piece of trash as that DEAD Limpbawl guy, so in WHATEVER awaits us after this existence I'm sure KARMA will take care of another LIAR.

8/24/2021 2:23 PM
Caleb Wallace, who was a leader in protesting mask requirements and other COVID-19-related restrictions in central Texas, died after a monthlong battle with the coronavirus, his wife said on Saturday. “Caleb has peacefully passed on. He will forever live in our hearts and minds,” Jessica Wallace, Caleb’s wife, wrote on the family’s GoFundMe page. A day earlier, Jessica Wallace had written that “Caleb won’t make it much longer.” Wallace, who lived in San Angelo, Texas for most of his life, was hospitalized on July 30. The father of three, with another on the way, quickly deteriorated and had been unconscious and heavily sedated since Aug. 8.

Wallace became known in his community for opposing COVID-19 restrictions and was the founder of the San Angelo Freedom Defenders, which hosted a rally to end “COVID-19 tyranny.” In the same month he was hospitalized, Wallace organized a “Freedom rally” that called for people who were “sick of the government in in control of our lives” to join their protest. “They believed the coronavirus was a hoax and they felt that the government was being too heavy-handed when it came to masks,” San Angelo’s mayor, Brenda Gunter, told the New York Times.

In April, Wallace wrote a letter to the San Angelo Independent School District demanding an end to “ALL COVID-related policies immediately,” questioning the efficacy of masks for children and saying they are actually harmful. “With so few kids getting sick from this virus, and so little evidence that masks worked for anyone, why isn’t your administration taking in the account the harmful effects of masking on children?” Wallace wrote.

Wallace started experiencing typical COVID-19 symptoms on July 26, including fever and cough. At first, he refused to get tested or go to the hospital. “He was so hard-headed,” Jessica Wallace told the San Angelo Standard-Times. “He didn’t want to see a doctor, because he didn’t want to be part of the statistics with COVID tests.” At first he tried to self-medicate with Vitamin C, zinc aspirin, an inhaler, and ivermectin tablets. But a few days later, a relative took him to the emergency room.

Jessica Wallace, who is eight months pregnant, said she wore a mask and her husband respected her decision even if he sometimes told her it was futile. She also said she planned to get vaccinated against COVID-19 after her baby was born. “We are not anti-vaxxers,” she insisted, noting all her children have their vaccines.
8/29/2021 12:07 AM (edited)
Posted by bagchucker on 8/29/2021 12:07:00 AM (view original):
Caleb Wallace, who was a leader in protesting mask requirements and other COVID-19-related restrictions in central Texas, died after a monthlong battle with the coronavirus, his wife said on Saturday. “Caleb has peacefully passed on. He will forever live in our hearts and minds,” Jessica Wallace, Caleb’s wife, wrote on the family’s GoFundMe page. A day earlier, Jessica Wallace had written that “Caleb won’t make it much longer.” Wallace, who lived in San Angelo, Texas for most of his life, was hospitalized on July 30. The father of three, with another on the way, quickly deteriorated and had been unconscious and heavily sedated since Aug. 8.

Wallace became known in his community for opposing COVID-19 restrictions and was the founder of the San Angelo Freedom Defenders, which hosted a rally to end “COVID-19 tyranny.” In the same month he was hospitalized, Wallace organized a “Freedom rally” that called for people who were “sick of the government in in control of our lives” to join their protest. “They believed the coronavirus was a hoax and they felt that the government was being too heavy-handed when it came to masks,” San Angelo’s mayor, Brenda Gunter, told the New York Times.

In April, Wallace wrote a letter to the San Angelo Independent School District demanding an end to “ALL COVID-related policies immediately,” questioning the efficacy of masks for children and saying they are actually harmful. “With so few kids getting sick from this virus, and so little evidence that masks worked for anyone, why isn’t your administration taking in the account the harmful effects of masking on children?” Wallace wrote.

Wallace started experiencing typical COVID-19 symptoms on July 26, including fever and cough. At first, he refused to get tested or go to the hospital. “He was so hard-headed,” Jessica Wallace told the San Angelo Standard-Times. “He didn’t want to see a doctor, because he didn’t want to be part of the statistics with COVID tests.” At first he tried to self-medicate with Vitamin C, zinc aspirin, an inhaler, and ivermectin tablets. But a few days later, a relative took him to the emergency room.

Jessica Wallace, who is eight months pregnant, said she wore a mask and her husband respected her decision even if he sometimes told her it was futile. She also said she planned to get vaccinated against COVID-19 after her baby was born. “We are not anti-vaxxers,” she insisted, noting all her children have their vaccines.
Can't prove this, but if he had worn a mask, he probably would have still kicked the bucket.. if he had had the shot, also probably would have died..Worth considering, since this 'Global Planet Re Alert' is in our faces like every hour of every day

Nobody should have the right to tell you that you must get the vaxx, or 'stay home' and I hope you would fight for your right to decide for yourself what to do, or not to do

and to guilt shame people for their decisions, is... bullying, and of the highest order, and the biggest bully on the planet is.. GOVERMENT. The idea is that they SERVE us, and we tell them what we want. Today they are ordering us around, and taking our freedoms at the same time. I note that one of the companies that has the vax JUST GOT FDA approved.
8/29/2021 2:29 AM
Posted by rsp777 on 8/24/2021 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker on 8/24/2021 11:07:00 AM (view original):
oh here's another one

thankyou for your service, heartfelt radio talkshow patriot ignoramus

rsp would say see you in HELL you C*NT *** lying B*TCH

but i'm not like that
I'm not a fan of the "Heaven" and "Hell" concept so I've tried to stop doing that. I think ALL organized religion is bullshit. I WOULD, however, tell him to ENJOY "Hell" since most of these zealots love telling others that they're going there and they cling to the concept of it like flies on ****. Phil Valentine was almost as much of a piece of trash as that DEAD Limpbawl guy, so in WHATEVER awaits us after this existence I'm sure KARMA will take care of another LIAR.

'Karma' has not taken care of terrorists, or Drug lords, or Commie China. So much for that idea

but in the end, we all stand before God, and HIS judgement is perfect
8/29/2021 2:31 AM
Or Hers! Misogynist much.
8/29/2021 9:03 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/29/2021 2:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker on 8/29/2021 12:07:00 AM (view original):
Caleb Wallace, who was a leader in protesting mask requirements and other COVID-19-related restrictions in central Texas, died after a monthlong battle with the coronavirus, his wife said on Saturday. “Caleb has peacefully passed on. He will forever live in our hearts and minds,” Jessica Wallace, Caleb’s wife, wrote on the family’s GoFundMe page. A day earlier, Jessica Wallace had written that “Caleb won’t make it much longer.” Wallace, who lived in San Angelo, Texas for most of his life, was hospitalized on July 30. The father of three, with another on the way, quickly deteriorated and had been unconscious and heavily sedated since Aug. 8.

Wallace became known in his community for opposing COVID-19 restrictions and was the founder of the San Angelo Freedom Defenders, which hosted a rally to end “COVID-19 tyranny.” In the same month he was hospitalized, Wallace organized a “Freedom rally” that called for people who were “sick of the government in in control of our lives” to join their protest. “They believed the coronavirus was a hoax and they felt that the government was being too heavy-handed when it came to masks,” San Angelo’s mayor, Brenda Gunter, told the New York Times.

In April, Wallace wrote a letter to the San Angelo Independent School District demanding an end to “ALL COVID-related policies immediately,” questioning the efficacy of masks for children and saying they are actually harmful. “With so few kids getting sick from this virus, and so little evidence that masks worked for anyone, why isn’t your administration taking in the account the harmful effects of masking on children?” Wallace wrote.

Wallace started experiencing typical COVID-19 symptoms on July 26, including fever and cough. At first, he refused to get tested or go to the hospital. “He was so hard-headed,” Jessica Wallace told the San Angelo Standard-Times. “He didn’t want to see a doctor, because he didn’t want to be part of the statistics with COVID tests.” At first he tried to self-medicate with Vitamin C, zinc aspirin, an inhaler, and ivermectin tablets. But a few days later, a relative took him to the emergency room.

Jessica Wallace, who is eight months pregnant, said she wore a mask and her husband respected her decision even if he sometimes told her it was futile. She also said she planned to get vaccinated against COVID-19 after her baby was born. “We are not anti-vaxxers,” she insisted, noting all her children have their vaccines.
Can't prove this, but if he had worn a mask, he probably would have still kicked the bucket.. if he had had the shot, also probably would have died..Worth considering, since this 'Global Planet Re Alert' is in our faces like every hour of every day

Nobody should have the right to tell you that you must get the vaxx, or 'stay home' and I hope you would fight for your right to decide for yourself what to do, or not to do

and to guilt shame people for their decisions, is... bullying, and of the highest order, and the biggest bully on the planet is.. GOVERMENT. The idea is that they SERVE us, and we tell them what we want. Today they are ordering us around, and taking our freedoms at the same time. I note that one of the companies that has the vax JUST GOT FDA approved.
"can't prove this"

they do serve us

you refuse to believe

you got outvoted in a democracy

the duly elected president says Get the shot

makes YOU the troublemaker

suck a d*ck

go to your grave antivaxxer

bullying. what a crock
8/29/2021 12:35 PM
8/29/2021 12:39 PM

you're a duck

you got outmanned out-planned and out-gunned

quit bein a d*ck

thank the guy in the sky you love so ardently

the kids today they eat the white meat
8/29/2021 12:46 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/29/2021 2:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker on 8/29/2021 12:07:00 AM (view original):
Caleb Wallace, who was a leader in protesting mask requirements and other COVID-19-related restrictions in central Texas, died after a monthlong battle with the coronavirus, his wife said on Saturday. “Caleb has peacefully passed on. He will forever live in our hearts and minds,” Jessica Wallace, Caleb’s wife, wrote on the family’s GoFundMe page. A day earlier, Jessica Wallace had written that “Caleb won’t make it much longer.” Wallace, who lived in San Angelo, Texas for most of his life, was hospitalized on July 30. The father of three, with another on the way, quickly deteriorated and had been unconscious and heavily sedated since Aug. 8.

Wallace became known in his community for opposing COVID-19 restrictions and was the founder of the San Angelo Freedom Defenders, which hosted a rally to end “COVID-19 tyranny.” In the same month he was hospitalized, Wallace organized a “Freedom rally” that called for people who were “sick of the government in in control of our lives” to join their protest. “They believed the coronavirus was a hoax and they felt that the government was being too heavy-handed when it came to masks,” San Angelo’s mayor, Brenda Gunter, told the New York Times.

In April, Wallace wrote a letter to the San Angelo Independent School District demanding an end to “ALL COVID-related policies immediately,” questioning the efficacy of masks for children and saying they are actually harmful. “With so few kids getting sick from this virus, and so little evidence that masks worked for anyone, why isn’t your administration taking in the account the harmful effects of masking on children?” Wallace wrote.

Wallace started experiencing typical COVID-19 symptoms on July 26, including fever and cough. At first, he refused to get tested or go to the hospital. “He was so hard-headed,” Jessica Wallace told the San Angelo Standard-Times. “He didn’t want to see a doctor, because he didn’t want to be part of the statistics with COVID tests.” At first he tried to self-medicate with Vitamin C, zinc aspirin, an inhaler, and ivermectin tablets. But a few days later, a relative took him to the emergency room.

Jessica Wallace, who is eight months pregnant, said she wore a mask and her husband respected her decision even if he sometimes told her it was futile. She also said she planned to get vaccinated against COVID-19 after her baby was born. “We are not anti-vaxxers,” she insisted, noting all her children have their vaccines.
Can't prove this, but if he had worn a mask, he probably would have still kicked the bucket.. if he had had the shot, also probably would have died..Worth considering, since this 'Global Planet Re Alert' is in our faces like every hour of every day

Nobody should have the right to tell you that you must get the vaxx, or 'stay home' and I hope you would fight for your right to decide for yourself what to do, or not to do

and to guilt shame people for their decisions, is... bullying, and of the highest order, and the biggest bully on the planet is.. GOVERMENT. The idea is that they SERVE us, and we tell them what we want. Today they are ordering us around, and taking our freedoms at the same time. I note that one of the companies that has the vax JUST GOT FDA approved.
as far as I can tell you can't PROVE anything you posts. Mostly, they are just your beliefs. Doesn't mean they are not true, but doesn't mean they are true either.
8/29/2021 1:45 PM
Posted by bagchucker on 8/29/2021 12:48:00 PM (view original):

you're a duck

you got outmanned out-planned and out-gunned

quit bein a d*ck

thank the guy in the sky you love so ardently

the kids today they eat the white meat
Classic Bags!

Spot On, Bingo and all that................

The kids today........they missing out if'n they don't taste some dark meat.
8/29/2021 2:27 PM
8/29/2021 9:10 PM (edited)
"Karma has not taken care of terrorists, or Drug lords, or Commie China. So much for that idea but in the end, we all stand before God, and HIS judgement is perfect"

I believe that, in the end, your KARMA will dictate your fate. It could also be nothing but one long dirt nap. At least I admit that NONE OF US "know." I find it somewhat amusing that your argument is usually based on the "I am right" philosophy that hurls derision and scorn at all the "non-believers. Forgetting the FACT that...

"Three of the world's major religions -- the monotheist traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam -- were all born in the Middle East and are all inextricably linked to one another."

My problem with the "Big Three" is that they're all based on some kind of all-controlling FEAR to keep the sheep like you from wandering too far from the flock. You love to hate because that's what they've fed you since day one.

Here's the difference between me and you. You hate me because of fear, religion and politics. I hate you because people like you screw up the lives of people like me with your belief system.

Got it???
12/1/2021 10:59 AM (edited)
karma dictates my fate

ima have to get duck as f*nk

and watch memento and tenet again

8/30/2021 11:02 AM
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