HBD League of Legends Topic

Hello Everyone,

With the MLB playoffs quickly approaching the WIS staff has been busy trying to think of a fun, new idea for HBD. We thought, wouldn't it be great to provide users with great rewards? Wouldn’t it be great to see who can truly be a dynasty building GM? Wouldn’t it be great if someone could call themselves the best of the best?

We’ve come up with an idea to see who can be successful at Hardball’s version of the Premier League. This would be an “exclusive” league dedicated to experienced, successful owners to go head to head for a chance to not only crown themselves league champion, and be engraved in the HBD/WIS history books but also earn some pretty awesome rewards by doing so.

Eligible owners would need to meet the following criteria to be eligible to enter the league.

  1. 20+ HBD seasons completed

  2. 1+ World Series ring

  3. 1+ Active HBD franchise

The league rules would be pretty simple. Evenly matched teams would be created. This would be like a normal HBD season where trades, draft, budgeting and of course winning all still play a role, the catch… you only have 5 seasons to achieve as much success as you possibly can. At the end of the 5 seasons, the bottom 6 owners (by win %/overall success) are relegated out of the league. The rest of the owners have the option to pay the league fee again to be a part of the next set of 5 seasons. After each set of 5 seasons the league is “reset” where the teams are evenly balanced again and everyone gets a clean slate to try to win.

What is the league fee you ask? Well the investment you would make to be a part of this league would be an upfront total of $250 for the 5 season cycle. This ensures that for a minimum of 5 seasons there won’t be waiting for the world to refill, there won’t be new owners coming in and messing up franchises in the middle of the season and everyone is in it to win it.

I haven’t even gotten to the best part of this exclusive relegation league yet. Not only would you get normal HBD rewards/payouts for success, but we have decided to sweeten the pot even more. Additional payouts at the end of the 5 season cycle would be given out as follows:

1st place - $1000

2nd place - $600

3rd place - $300

4th and 5th place - $100 in WIS site credit

We would like to get the ball rolling on this ASAP and wanted to get user feedback to see if this is an idea that the community would be on board with.

9/16/2021 4:13 PM (edited)
9/16/2021 4:15 PM
9/16/2021 4:17 PM
Yes. Count me in.
9/16/2021 4:18 PM
9/16/2021 4:18 PM
100%. no current league, but could fix that. possibly(?) best HBD record ever
9/16/2021 4:19 PM
9/16/2021 4:20 PM
I would be interested. Sign me up, ASAP! Premier Championship has a nice ring to it.
9/16/2021 4:29 PM (edited)
Yep, sign me up. I need to beat kmcelroy somewhere!
9/16/2021 4:20 PM
but also, 250 times 32 teams is 8000. you are paying out effectively nothing
9/16/2021 4:21 PM
I'M IN !
9/16/2021 4:24 PM
9/16/2021 4:24 PM
i never post or waste my time in forums or blogs in general but if this is real then i want in asap. when do i send the money?
9/16/2021 4:25 PM
9/16/2021 4:25 PM
I would be in for sure. Great idea.
9/16/2021 4:26 PM
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HBD League of Legends Topic

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