Posted by Jetson21 on 10/18/2021 5:47:00 PM (view original):
Canada has a lower rate in general because by and large they have a better Covid conscious society.
so you can’t compare rates in Canada to what happens here.
Re read what I said about pure mandates and conditional mandates.
I am ready to friggin puke every time I hear about freedom and tyranny and oppression.
There are laws about jaywalking.
It is just another law or policy to fit the needs and existential needs of society.
You don’t have the vaccine and no one is putting you on a train to get a vaccine to save your life.
You can choose to take your chances your government protects that freedom.
If the virus was so deadly and contagious that the United States let’s say lost 50 million people already and 80 million were unemployed because of unvaccinated people one would rationally think then that there would be a pure unconditional mandate for everyone.
Jetson, we are allowed to disagree. This thing is quite complex, and if a person isn't comfortable with putting a drug into his or her body, they should not be attacked for it
and that's a huge IF.. this is not the black Plague.. not anywhere close. and the numbers? They are fudged, imo. I know that sounds crazy, but I believe they are
People getting fired b c they aren't vaxxed. Ok take this a step further.. you have a kidneystone.. 5 hospitals couldn't take you today because not enough nurses and doctors, they were all fired. So you suffer and maybe die
Or a thug is ... ahh never mind. Seriously, I have to get out more. Rain or no rain.. time for a jog-walk 1.4 miles