No rational person can deny that Pence was a hero on January 6.
I would like him to testify now but you can believe that when the DOJ subpoenas him or requests his testimony he will testify.
The committee is giving him a pass because it is not a court trial and the evidence is already coming in without him.
6/16/2022 8:07 PM
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Pro-right??? I say it's more like pro-stupid!
6/17/2022 8:25 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 11:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/16/2022 8:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/16/2022 7:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 7:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/15/2022 1:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/14/2022 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/13/2022 9:33:00 PM (view original):
AG Garland said today that he is watching all of the hearings and so are all of the January 6 prosecutors.

That sounds rather significant and seems to be prelude to when they officially take the baton.
Who cares?? This Jan 6 is a typical case of the left making a mountain out of a molehill
nuckin futz.
Your’e opinion is completely worthless to me.
just sayin.
I posted the truth. If you can't see or understand this, then it is you who is the dummy

and I do not need your ratings on my opinions.. They are worthless to me
once again, just because YOU believe something to be true, that does not make it true.
Are you referring to things like Gravity? The existence of God? The US economy in the dumpster? Open your own eyes

and I DO believe THE truth
gravity is a proven fact. The existence of God is not. The US economy is not doing well.Not sure I'd say its in the dumpster. I was referring to your comment that you posted the truth regarding the Jan 6th hearings being a case of "the left making a mountain out of a molehill." The attempt of a sitting US president trying to subvert democracy is much more than a molehill.
thumbs up and Trump intentionally permitting a Thousand Maniacs to try and get to Pence and kill him while saying that Pence deserved it.
It was just about attempted murder on the part of the great Satan.
Jan 6 was NOTHING.

Where was all your venom, and rage when Antifa were trashing your cities and streets?? I never heard a peep out of any of you lefties. That's because you don't care.. UNLESS it is someone who is pro right
nuckin futz.
6/17/2022 10:38 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 11:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/16/2022 8:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/16/2022 7:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 7:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/15/2022 1:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/14/2022 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/13/2022 9:33:00 PM (view original):
AG Garland said today that he is watching all of the hearings and so are all of the January 6 prosecutors.

That sounds rather significant and seems to be prelude to when they officially take the baton.
Who cares?? This Jan 6 is a typical case of the left making a mountain out of a molehill
nuckin futz.
Your’e opinion is completely worthless to me.
just sayin.
I posted the truth. If you can't see or understand this, then it is you who is the dummy

and I do not need your ratings on my opinions.. They are worthless to me
once again, just because YOU believe something to be true, that does not make it true.
Are you referring to things like Gravity? The existence of God? The US economy in the dumpster? Open your own eyes

and I DO believe THE truth
gravity is a proven fact. The existence of God is not. The US economy is not doing well.Not sure I'd say its in the dumpster. I was referring to your comment that you posted the truth regarding the Jan 6th hearings being a case of "the left making a mountain out of a molehill." The attempt of a sitting US president trying to subvert democracy is much more than a molehill.
thumbs up and Trump intentionally permitting a Thousand Maniacs to try and get to Pence and kill him while saying that Pence deserved it.
It was just about attempted murder on the part of the great Satan.
Jan 6 was NOTHING.

Where was all your venom, and rage when Antifa were trashing your cities and streets?? I never heard a peep out of any of you lefties. That's because you don't care.. UNLESS it is someone who is pro right
while I may not appreciate all their methods antifa and BLM were at least fighting for what they felt were good causes. Trump and his gang of morons were fighting the outcome of an election they did not like the results of. In other words they were trying to subvert democracy. I think the fact that you believe January 6th was nothing is probably the most ridiculous thing you have posted ( and that is saying something). I may not agree with a lot of what you post regarding faith and Jesus Christ, but I fully respect your right to have that faith if it helps you. To say Jan 6th was nothing and your constant defense of Trump makes me wonder about your sanity.
6/18/2022 1:28 AM
If the DOJ does not indict Trump on several counts it would shaken the foundation of no person is above the law.
Whether by RICO or not the only Trump defense would be that he truly believed he was legally entitled to do what all of his advisors except maybe Eastman said he was breaking the law. So Trump would have to convince that he was suffering under diminished capacity and still is since he continues to say the election was stolen and all of his actions were fine.

Mafia bosses have been convicted on much much much less evidence.
Trump has said all you need publicly.
6/18/2022 1:02 PM

Have Fancy Nancy turn all the evidence over to a prosecutor. Trial by Jury.

Speaking of her husband going for a trial or just pleading guilty?
6/18/2022 2:27 PM
Posted by DougOut on 6/18/2022 2:27:00 PM (view original):

Have Fancy Nancy turn all the evidence over to a prosecutor. Trial by Jury.

Speaking of her husband going for a trial or just pleading guilty?
Who the F cares.
Distract because you can’t handle the truth
and don’t know right from wrong.
Perfect example of why we have such a dumb F**k country and without abortion the stupid can proliferate.
Be fruit flys and multiply.
We have the Democrats - actually good altruistic intelligent country first people and those that are still led by American Hitler - the American Nazi Party
defined by antagonism and hostility and virulent racism and hated for LBGTQ and anyone who wants reasonable gun safety laws let dead kids be damned.

If you ask a conservative what are you against they will say what are you for.
The only people still defending Trump are the stupid - I’m not saying you are one of them unless you want to volunteer it - white trash. The “people” who were murderous insurrectionists were the worst of the white trash there is in this country.
Everybody knows that.

Now what I have just written you can believe in Dog.
6/18/2022 3:01 PM
There are some republicans and conservatives who hate Trump as much as me if not more.
Why are you not one of them?

And the scary fact for the Republican party is that those people have no where to go but to vote democrat because it is the only party that cherishes democracy and has the smarts and character to try and save it from heartens.

And that’s a fact Jack.
6/18/2022 3:08 PM (edited)
Have Fancy Nancy turn all the evidence over to a prosecutor and have a trial by jury.

After that trial we can have the Pelosi trial unless there is a guilty plea from Pelosi.

6/18/2022 3:22 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/18/2022 3:08:00 PM (view original):
There are some republicans and conservatives who hate Trump as much as me if not more.
Why are you not one of them?

And the scary fact for the Republican party is that those people have no where to go but to vote democrat because it is the only party that cherishes democracy and has the smarts and character to try and save it from heartens.

And that’s a fact Jack.
You know what they say.

If you fall off your bike...try walking up airline steps instead.
6/18/2022 3:53 PM

6/18/2022 7:18 PM
"Why are you not one of them?"

Because some folks think for themselves, instead of conforming to the lying left

and the other reason is that he would be like you. I bet he is glad he isn't

6/20/2022 7:16 AM
and so who cares if Biden fell off his bike? I fell off mine too, a few times.. and that is back in the day when I was in tip top shape
6/20/2022 7:18 AM
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/18/2022 3:08:00 PM (view original):
There are some republicans and conservatives who hate Trump as much as me if not more.
Why are you not one of them?

And the scary fact for the Republican party is that those people have no where to go but to vote democrat because it is the only party that cherishes democracy and has the smarts and character to try and save it from heartens.

And that’s a fact Jack.
Question for you Jetson: Do you believe that your righteousness exceed that of Donald Trump?

Also, that question is for anyone and everyone. YES or NO will suffice
6/20/2022 7:30 AM
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