Posted by wylie715 on 6/18/2022 1:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 11:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/16/2022 8:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/16/2022 7:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 7:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/15/2022 1:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/14/2022 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/13/2022 9:33:00 PM (view original):
AG Garland said today that he is watching all of the hearings and so are all of the January 6 prosecutors.

That sounds rather significant and seems to be prelude to when they officially take the baton.
Who cares?? This Jan 6 is a typical case of the left making a mountain out of a molehill
nuckin futz.
Your’e opinion is completely worthless to me.
just sayin.
I posted the truth. If you can't see or understand this, then it is you who is the dummy

and I do not need your ratings on my opinions.. They are worthless to me
once again, just because YOU believe something to be true, that does not make it true.
Are you referring to things like Gravity? The existence of God? The US economy in the dumpster? Open your own eyes

and I DO believe THE truth
gravity is a proven fact. The existence of God is not. The US economy is not doing well.Not sure I'd say its in the dumpster. I was referring to your comment that you posted the truth regarding the Jan 6th hearings being a case of "the left making a mountain out of a molehill." The attempt of a sitting US president trying to subvert democracy is much more than a molehill.
thumbs up and Trump intentionally permitting a Thousand Maniacs to try and get to Pence and kill him while saying that Pence deserved it.
It was just about attempted murder on the part of the great Satan.
Jan 6 was NOTHING.

Where was all your venom, and rage when Antifa were trashing your cities and streets?? I never heard a peep out of any of you lefties. That's because you don't care.. UNLESS it is someone who is pro right
while I may not appreciate all their methods antifa and BLM were at least fighting for what they felt were good causes. Trump and his gang of morons were fighting the outcome of an election they did not like the results of. In other words they were trying to subvert democracy. I think the fact that you believe January 6th was nothing is probably the most ridiculous thing you have posted ( and that is saying something). I may not agree with a lot of what you post regarding faith and Jesus Christ, but I fully respect your right to have that faith if it helps you. To say Jan 6th was nothing and your constant defense of Trump makes me wonder about your sanity.
Smashing store windows, Looting the same, burning Churches, burning cars, burning Cop cars is NOT fighting for a righteous cause. It is rioting anarchy. Neither is trashing a judges house.. Or harassing a senator, be he r wing OR left.

BTWay; BLM have NEVER said what they want, but these morons are free to harass law abiding citizens, and do so with impunity form the government that condones that which is evil. I am sure you can see this. Which is going to be fine, until it is your car that is burned, and the government says, 'Well you were in the wrong place at the wrong time'

I am sorry you cannot see the insignifigence of Jan 6 in light of what else has been going on. It is BIG because the CNN and left wing media have TOLD YOU it is big. They manipulate public opinion. That is their chief goal. Reporting the real news is NOT their game
6/20/2022 7:52 AM

"CNN and the left wing media" = the boogeyman

But Fox and OAM, etc are just fine at reporting honest news.

So, my Canuck Pal. You live in the wrong spot.

You NEED to move to Texas.

Do a google search on the Texas republican Party Platform.
Read the platform of those "good ol' boy Texan Republicans.
You'll LOVE their ideas.

Secession from the U.S. is a part of it.
The rest is even crazier.

You're aligned with purely evil folks who can't see the ridiculous stupidity of their beliefs!!

Tell you what.
I like B.C.

We'll trade you Texas for B.C. and throw in Florida (as well) for The Yukon and the NW Territories.

You get lots of stupid Humans.
We get lots of Paradise, Indigenous Peoples, and wild lands and wide open spaces again.

Best deal for the U.S. since the Louisiana purchase!
6/20/2022 8:43 AM
I wish there could be some posts that are not a response to a person detached from reality and facts.
6/20/2022 11:03 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/20/2022 7:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/18/2022 3:08:00 PM (view original):
There are some republicans and conservatives who hate Trump as much as me if not more.
Why are you not one of them?

And the scary fact for the Republican party is that those people have no where to go but to vote democrat because it is the only party that cherishes democracy and has the smarts and character to try and save it from heartens.

And that’s a fact Jack.
Question for you Jetson: Do you believe that your righteousness exceed that of Donald Trump?

Also, that question is for anyone and everyone. YES or NO will suffice
my answer would be a definite yes.
6/20/2022 1:30 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/20/2022 7:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/18/2022 1:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 11:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/16/2022 8:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/16/2022 7:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 7:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/15/2022 1:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/14/2022 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/13/2022 9:33:00 PM (view original):
AG Garland said today that he is watching all of the hearings and so are all of the January 6 prosecutors.

That sounds rather significant and seems to be prelude to when they officially take the baton.
Who cares?? This Jan 6 is a typical case of the left making a mountain out of a molehill
nuckin futz.
Your’e opinion is completely worthless to me.
just sayin.
I posted the truth. If you can't see or understand this, then it is you who is the dummy

and I do not need your ratings on my opinions.. They are worthless to me
once again, just because YOU believe something to be true, that does not make it true.
Are you referring to things like Gravity? The existence of God? The US economy in the dumpster? Open your own eyes

and I DO believe THE truth
gravity is a proven fact. The existence of God is not. The US economy is not doing well.Not sure I'd say its in the dumpster. I was referring to your comment that you posted the truth regarding the Jan 6th hearings being a case of "the left making a mountain out of a molehill." The attempt of a sitting US president trying to subvert democracy is much more than a molehill.
thumbs up and Trump intentionally permitting a Thousand Maniacs to try and get to Pence and kill him while saying that Pence deserved it.
It was just about attempted murder on the part of the great Satan.
Jan 6 was NOTHING.

Where was all your venom, and rage when Antifa were trashing your cities and streets?? I never heard a peep out of any of you lefties. That's because you don't care.. UNLESS it is someone who is pro right
while I may not appreciate all their methods antifa and BLM were at least fighting for what they felt were good causes. Trump and his gang of morons were fighting the outcome of an election they did not like the results of. In other words they were trying to subvert democracy. I think the fact that you believe January 6th was nothing is probably the most ridiculous thing you have posted ( and that is saying something). I may not agree with a lot of what you post regarding faith and Jesus Christ, but I fully respect your right to have that faith if it helps you. To say Jan 6th was nothing and your constant defense of Trump makes me wonder about your sanity.
Smashing store windows, Looting the same, burning Churches, burning cars, burning Cop cars is NOT fighting for a righteous cause. It is rioting anarchy. Neither is trashing a judges house.. Or harassing a senator, be he r wing OR left.

BTWay; BLM have NEVER said what they want, but these morons are free to harass law abiding citizens, and do so with impunity form the government that condones that which is evil. I am sure you can see this. Which is going to be fine, until it is your car that is burned, and the government says, 'Well you were in the wrong place at the wrong time'

I am sorry you cannot see the insignifigence of Jan 6 in light of what else has been going on. It is BIG because the CNN and left wing media have TOLD YOU it is big. They manipulate public opinion. That is their chief goal. Reporting the real news is NOT their game
Like I said I don't approve of all of their methods. I guess you just ignored that part. I have also said many time, the minute you smash a window, or loot a store, or burn a cop car you are no longer a protester, you are a criminal.
I am sorry you think a sitting POTUS trying to subvert democracy and the will of the American people is insignificant. It is insignificant to you because Fox news says it is insignificant. I don't watch CNN, so I would not know what they said. Is reporting the "real news" Fox's game? I don't think so. But it is fine as far as you are concerned because you agree with what they say.
I think what BLM wants is pretty clear from the name. They want black lives to matter just as much as anyone else. Sad, that you can't seem to comprehend that. Then again. much of the crap you post is sad.
6/20/2022 1:38 PM
When God comes back wake me up.
wakey wakey.
6/20/2022 2:32 PM
6/20/2022 4:05 PM
Hey Bulldoug have a dog biscuit.
6/20/2022 4:57 PM
6/20/2022 5:17 PM
The supreme court case on abortion might be handed down on Tuesday or Thursday. These are my beliefs about abortion in a nutshell. I respect those who think that abortion is murder but only when they allow for the woman to make a choice hp to a certain point.
In my own personal belief, life and love from being born is a gift from the parents and particularly the mother.

A fetus or an embryo does not have the right or entitlement to force a mother to have and endure the agony of pregnancy and the effectvthat it will have on her life. No growing thing has an entitlement to life up until a certain stage of development occurs . So I consider that bringing a child into the world is a gift to the baby that is born but there is not an entitlement. After reaching a stage of viability there is a growing baby and it is then that the Court should be able to step in.

6/20/2022 5:46 PM (edited)
Texas - the land where the greatest gunslingers live.
The good guys had the guns but it still didn’t work out.
So because the police were useless the governor wants the teachers to be armed.
6/20/2022 10:32 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 6/20/2022 1:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/20/2022 7:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/18/2022 3:08:00 PM (view original):
There are some republicans and conservatives who hate Trump as much as me if not more.
Why are you not one of them?

And the scary fact for the Republican party is that those people have no where to go but to vote democrat because it is the only party that cherishes democracy and has the smarts and character to try and save it from heartens.

And that’s a fact Jack.
Question for you Jetson: Do you believe that your righteousness exceed that of Donald Trump?

Also, that question is for anyone and everyone. YES or NO will suffice
my answer would be a definite yes.
You have deceived yourself. but you did answer Yes or no
6/20/2022 11:42 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 6/20/2022 1:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/20/2022 7:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/18/2022 1:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 11:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/16/2022 8:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/16/2022 7:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 7:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/15/2022 1:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/14/2022 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/13/2022 9:33:00 PM (view original):
AG Garland said today that he is watching all of the hearings and so are all of the January 6 prosecutors.

That sounds rather significant and seems to be prelude to when they officially take the baton.
Who cares?? This Jan 6 is a typical case of the left making a mountain out of a molehill
nuckin futz.
Your’e opinion is completely worthless to me.
just sayin.
I posted the truth. If you can't see or understand this, then it is you who is the dummy

and I do not need your ratings on my opinions.. They are worthless to me
once again, just because YOU believe something to be true, that does not make it true.
Are you referring to things like Gravity? The existence of God? The US economy in the dumpster? Open your own eyes

and I DO believe THE truth
gravity is a proven fact. The existence of God is not. The US economy is not doing well.Not sure I'd say its in the dumpster. I was referring to your comment that you posted the truth regarding the Jan 6th hearings being a case of "the left making a mountain out of a molehill." The attempt of a sitting US president trying to subvert democracy is much more than a molehill.
thumbs up and Trump intentionally permitting a Thousand Maniacs to try and get to Pence and kill him while saying that Pence deserved it.
It was just about attempted murder on the part of the great Satan.
Jan 6 was NOTHING.

Where was all your venom, and rage when Antifa were trashing your cities and streets?? I never heard a peep out of any of you lefties. That's because you don't care.. UNLESS it is someone who is pro right
while I may not appreciate all their methods antifa and BLM were at least fighting for what they felt were good causes. Trump and his gang of morons were fighting the outcome of an election they did not like the results of. In other words they were trying to subvert democracy. I think the fact that you believe January 6th was nothing is probably the most ridiculous thing you have posted ( and that is saying something). I may not agree with a lot of what you post regarding faith and Jesus Christ, but I fully respect your right to have that faith if it helps you. To say Jan 6th was nothing and your constant defense of Trump makes me wonder about your sanity.
Smashing store windows, Looting the same, burning Churches, burning cars, burning Cop cars is NOT fighting for a righteous cause. It is rioting anarchy. Neither is trashing a judges house.. Or harassing a senator, be he r wing OR left.

BTWay; BLM have NEVER said what they want, but these morons are free to harass law abiding citizens, and do so with impunity form the government that condones that which is evil. I am sure you can see this. Which is going to be fine, until it is your car that is burned, and the government says, 'Well you were in the wrong place at the wrong time'

I am sorry you cannot see the insignifigence of Jan 6 in light of what else has been going on. It is BIG because the CNN and left wing media have TOLD YOU it is big. They manipulate public opinion. That is their chief goal. Reporting the real news is NOT their game
Like I said I don't approve of all of their methods. I guess you just ignored that part. I have also said many time, the minute you smash a window, or loot a store, or burn a cop car you are no longer a protester, you are a criminal.
I am sorry you think a sitting POTUS trying to subvert democracy and the will of the American people is insignificant. It is insignificant to you because Fox news says it is insignificant. I don't watch CNN, so I would not know what they said. Is reporting the "real news" Fox's game? I don't think so. But it is fine as far as you are concerned because you agree with what they say.
I think what BLM wants is pretty clear from the name. They want black lives to matter just as much as anyone else. Sad, that you can't seem to comprehend that. Then again. much of the crap you post is sad.
Democracy and freedoms are being destroyed.. by the CURRENT government
6/20/2022 11:43 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/20/2022 11:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/20/2022 1:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/20/2022 7:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/18/2022 1:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 11:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/16/2022 8:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/16/2022 7:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/16/2022 7:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/15/2022 1:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/14/2022 10:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/14/2022 3:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/13/2022 9:33:00 PM (view original):
AG Garland said today that he is watching all of the hearings and so are all of the January 6 prosecutors.

That sounds rather significant and seems to be prelude to when they officially take the baton.
Who cares?? This Jan 6 is a typical case of the left making a mountain out of a molehill
nuckin futz.
Your’e opinion is completely worthless to me.
just sayin.
I posted the truth. If you can't see or understand this, then it is you who is the dummy

and I do not need your ratings on my opinions.. They are worthless to me
once again, just because YOU believe something to be true, that does not make it true.
Are you referring to things like Gravity? The existence of God? The US economy in the dumpster? Open your own eyes

and I DO believe THE truth
gravity is a proven fact. The existence of God is not. The US economy is not doing well.Not sure I'd say its in the dumpster. I was referring to your comment that you posted the truth regarding the Jan 6th hearings being a case of "the left making a mountain out of a molehill." The attempt of a sitting US president trying to subvert democracy is much more than a molehill.
thumbs up and Trump intentionally permitting a Thousand Maniacs to try and get to Pence and kill him while saying that Pence deserved it.
It was just about attempted murder on the part of the great Satan.
Jan 6 was NOTHING.

Where was all your venom, and rage when Antifa were trashing your cities and streets?? I never heard a peep out of any of you lefties. That's because you don't care.. UNLESS it is someone who is pro right
while I may not appreciate all their methods antifa and BLM were at least fighting for what they felt were good causes. Trump and his gang of morons were fighting the outcome of an election they did not like the results of. In other words they were trying to subvert democracy. I think the fact that you believe January 6th was nothing is probably the most ridiculous thing you have posted ( and that is saying something). I may not agree with a lot of what you post regarding faith and Jesus Christ, but I fully respect your right to have that faith if it helps you. To say Jan 6th was nothing and your constant defense of Trump makes me wonder about your sanity.
Smashing store windows, Looting the same, burning Churches, burning cars, burning Cop cars is NOT fighting for a righteous cause. It is rioting anarchy. Neither is trashing a judges house.. Or harassing a senator, be he r wing OR left.

BTWay; BLM have NEVER said what they want, but these morons are free to harass law abiding citizens, and do so with impunity form the government that condones that which is evil. I am sure you can see this. Which is going to be fine, until it is your car that is burned, and the government says, 'Well you were in the wrong place at the wrong time'

I am sorry you cannot see the insignifigence of Jan 6 in light of what else has been going on. It is BIG because the CNN and left wing media have TOLD YOU it is big. They manipulate public opinion. That is their chief goal. Reporting the real news is NOT their game
Like I said I don't approve of all of their methods. I guess you just ignored that part. I have also said many time, the minute you smash a window, or loot a store, or burn a cop car you are no longer a protester, you are a criminal.
I am sorry you think a sitting POTUS trying to subvert democracy and the will of the American people is insignificant. It is insignificant to you because Fox news says it is insignificant. I don't watch CNN, so I would not know what they said. Is reporting the "real news" Fox's game? I don't think so. But it is fine as far as you are concerned because you agree with what they say.
I think what BLM wants is pretty clear from the name. They want black lives to matter just as much as anyone else. Sad, that you can't seem to comprehend that. Then again. much of the crap you post is sad.
Democracy and freedoms are being destroyed.. by the CURRENT government
could you please tell me what drug you are taking.
Whatever it is, it turns white to black and truth to lies and intellect to apple sauce and civic conscience to a satanic ritual.
All I can say is I’m glad you live out there.
I think that any legislator who is on the side of the angels could ask you a question and then do the opposite of whatever you say.
It would ensure good governance.

Dont ask me to tell you Yes or No.
You can’t handle the truth.
And you understand absolutely nothing of which you “preach” You put it on its head.
Poor Jesus did not die to endorse your views of good vs bad. You flunk every time.
So sayeth the lord.
6/21/2022 12:14 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/20/2022 11:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/20/2022 1:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/20/2022 7:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/18/2022 3:08:00 PM (view original):
There are some republicans and conservatives who hate Trump as much as me if not more.
Why are you not one of them?

And the scary fact for the Republican party is that those people have no where to go but to vote democrat because it is the only party that cherishes democracy and has the smarts and character to try and save it from heartens.

And that’s a fact Jack.
Question for you Jetson: Do you believe that your righteousness exceed that of Donald Trump?

Also, that question is for anyone and everyone. YES or NO will suffice
my answer would be a definite yes.
You have deceived yourself. but you did answer Yes or no
maybe you are the one who is deceiving yourself..ever think of that?
6/21/2022 1:20 AM
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