Leftists Say Yes to Drag Queens for 1st Graders Topic

It is my personal observation that the further a nation swings to the Left, the lower the level of happiness among it's people.

According to data, the happiest countries in the world are Scandinavian countries governed by left-wing social democrats (my ideology btw). Not an argument you want to make, buddy.

11/9/2022 5:08 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/9/2022 4:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/8/2022 3:15:00 PM (view original):
I've been trying hard to not respond to your usual crap, but sometimes you post such dumb ****...So, because someone does not agree with you they are insane? Righteousness for America?? Does that mean only people who think like you? No thanks! You only speak your truth, and what you believe to be God's truth. Just because you believe it, that does not make it true. (I don't know why I have to continuously remind you of that..oh, wait. Yes, I do. You're a nut!
Saying drag queens are not necessarily perverts (I'm sure some of them are, just like some of just about any group of people will be perverts or racists or misogynists or geniuses or wonderful people) is not quite the same as speaking in favor of Trump. Trump is a proven liar, adulterer, cheater and is tried to bring about the downfall of democracy in America. Drag queens like to dress as women. While it is not something I would ever do, who, exactly, does it hurt??
I know I am not flawless or without sin. I'm not sure you know the same about yourself.
You are good with homos teaching your children. calling the political shots, and even being the judge in a trial. OK, I got ya

I am not good with you calling them "homos". As long as someone is a good teacher or judge , what they do in the privacy of their own home doesn't matter to me. I'd much rather have most gay people teaching my children then you. Most of them have at least somewhat open minds.
11/9/2022 7:36 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/9/2022 4:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 11/8/2022 12:34:00 AM (view original):
I should DEFINITELY not be concerned with LNF claiming that drag queens are necessarily perverts BECAUSE they are drag queens.

I wonder what LNF wants to do to people he thinks are perverts and pedophiles?

This TOTALLY isn't genocidal rhetoric. Claiming an entire population is "grooming children" BECAUSE OF THEIR EXISTANCE totally isn't a prelude or justification for genocide.
If you knew a pedo was stalking your 9 yr old daughter, what would you want to do to him? I would want to break his legs

If you knew one had diddled your daughter, what would you want to do to him For the record: I would want to kill him.

You might not think children are being 'groomed' but the crap going on in the schools say differently. First off, they are told to love the earth, and the environment. They are NOT told to honor God. .. but I remember a day when this was the norm, (They did honor God), and evil was called evil) and life was good. and no mass shootings like you have today. Div rate was WAY lower until the t.v. set had invaded most homes, to allow Unholywood to entrap a whole family for a whole evening.. and yeah.. You have heard the rest

It is my personal observation that the further a nation swings to the Left, the lower the level of happiness among it's people. Comapared to 1962, there is very little joy left in American or Canada. You don''t see it in their faces.

Argue all you like with this one
wow, you keep on topping yourself with the stupidity! If I knew a pedo was stalking my 9 yr old daughter I would want to stop him anyway I could. If I knew a pedo had "diddled" my daughter, I would want to kill him. What does that have to do with drag queens reading to first graders or gay folks being teachers? Absolutely nothing.
You say that children are being told to love the earth and the environment like that is a bad thing. They are not told to honor God, but they are not told not to honor God either. I've always felt that one's relationship with God is personal. and is not anyone else's business.
There have always been things like mass shootings. Between there being many more people and the internet spreading news instantly, we just hear about it more now.
Nobody cares what your personal observations are besides you. Also, you are 77 years old (as you have said). How the hell would you know what is happening in schools???
11/9/2022 7:45 PM
Stephen King Sues Drag Queens For Infringing His Copyright On Terrifying Clowns That Prey On Children
CELEBS· Nov 4, 2022

BANGOR, ME — American author Stephen King emerged from the shadows just before dawn Friday to file a copyright infringement claim in federal court. King is arguing that Drag Queen Story Hour violates his copyright around his infamous character Pennywise the Dancing Clown from the novel It — who is also a hideous clown who preys on children.

"These pretenders are clearly using my intellectual property without my permission," King told reporters with the Bangor Daily News. "How else would you explain these people who dress in hideous clown makeup to consume the souls of innocent kids? It's pulled straight from my book!"

The legendary horror author who made his living crafting stories depicting alternate nightmare scenarios where the depravity of man is often more hideous than the monsters that come to consume them has noted that drag queens are making it really hard for him to keep writing.

"How are my books supposed to sell if the gravest nightmares I can conjure cannot hold a candle to a grown man stripping in front of children? What is this world coming to?" said King.

At publishing time, King announced a new sequel to IT where the demon clown pursues his dream of becoming a drag queen.

11/10/2022 12:07 AM
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Yeah, and you've got a totally closed mind, and therefore do not possess sound judgement. As usual you don't respond to my comments with any evidence, just your usual bullshit.
11/13/2022 1:27 AM
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This post has a rating of , which is below the default threshold.
Just because you say a drag queen is a pervert, that does not make a drag queen a pervert. Not sure why yiu think if you believe something that makes it true. You are right. I am tired of wasting time with you. You won't listen to anything or anyone who does not agree with your very narrow world view.
11/16/2022 4:09 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/16/2022 3:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/13/2022 1:27:00 AM (view original):
Yeah, and you've got a totally closed mind, and therefore do not possess sound judgement. As usual you don't respond to my comments with any evidence, just your usual bullshit.
So you are saying that unless I accept that which God hates, I have a closed mind? You have been deceived, and you are lost. Your spiritual father is satan, who is actually the god of this world... and he has blinded you so that you cannot see or understand the truth. i.e. He owns you

Enough time wasted
not saying you have to accept anything, but it would be nice if you were willing to at least consider other ideas besides your own. God has not told me anything he hates. You, however, have told many things you think God hates. Whose God? Why is your God the correct one?
11/16/2022 4:11 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/16/2022 3:41:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/9/2022 7:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/9/2022 4:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/8/2022 3:15:00 PM (view original):
I've been trying hard to not respond to your usual crap, but sometimes you post such dumb ****...So, because someone does not agree with you they are insane? Righteousness for America?? Does that mean only people who think like you? No thanks! You only speak your truth, and what you believe to be God's truth. Just because you believe it, that does not make it true. (I don't know why I have to continuously remind you of that..oh, wait. Yes, I do. You're a nut!
Saying drag queens are not necessarily perverts (I'm sure some of them are, just like some of just about any group of people will be perverts or racists or misogynists or geniuses or wonderful people) is not quite the same as speaking in favor of Trump. Trump is a proven liar, adulterer, cheater and is tried to bring about the downfall of democracy in America. Drag queens like to dress as women. While it is not something I would ever do, who, exactly, does it hurt??
I know I am not flawless or without sin. I'm not sure you know the same about yourself.
You are good with homos teaching your children. calling the political shots, and even being the judge in a trial. OK, I got ya

I am not good with you calling them "homos". As long as someone is a good teacher or judge , what they do in the privacy of their own home doesn't matter to me. I'd much rather have most gay people teaching my children then you. Most of them have at least somewhat open minds.
A **** is a person who goes it with their own gendner. I don't care if you are good with that or not. Such folks have twisted minds, and are therefore do not possess sound judgment.
I usually avoid this nonsense.....


Just because 'such folk' like people that are the same sex as themselves, they have poor judgement????

Dude. Grow up.

11/16/2022 7:53 PM
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Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/19/2022 3:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/16/2022 4:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/16/2022 3:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/13/2022 1:27:00 AM (view original):
Yeah, and you've got a totally closed mind, and therefore do not possess sound judgement. As usual you don't respond to my comments with any evidence, just your usual bullshit.
So you are saying that unless I accept that which God hates, I have a closed mind? You have been deceived, and you are lost. Your spiritual father is satan, who is actually the god of this world... and he has blinded you so that you cannot see or understand the truth. i.e. He owns you

Enough time wasted
not saying you have to accept anything, but it would be nice if you were willing to at least consider other ideas besides your own. God has not told me anything he hates. You, however, have told many things you think God hates. Whose God? Why is your God the correct one?
The Bible clearly names some of the things that God hates.but if your ears are plugged, you will not hear him (d-uh)

There is only ONE God (who counts) and there is one mediator between God and man, and that is his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Tim 2:5. And the God I worship is the ONLY God who can forgive your sin, and who can give you eternal life. THAT'S how I know. HE is the God who created the Universe
And yet...

According to an estimation in 2022, Islam has 1.97 billion adherents, making up about 25% of the world population.
11/19/2022 10:00 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/19/2022 3:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/16/2022 4:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 11/16/2022 3:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 11/13/2022 1:27:00 AM (view original):
Yeah, and you've got a totally closed mind, and therefore do not possess sound judgement. As usual you don't respond to my comments with any evidence, just your usual bullshit.
So you are saying that unless I accept that which God hates, I have a closed mind? You have been deceived, and you are lost. Your spiritual father is satan, who is actually the god of this world... and he has blinded you so that you cannot see or understand the truth. i.e. He owns you

Enough time wasted
not saying you have to accept anything, but it would be nice if you were willing to at least consider other ideas besides your own. God has not told me anything he hates. You, however, have told many things you think God hates. Whose God? Why is your God the correct one?
The Bible clearly names some of the things that God hates.but if your ears are plugged, you will not hear him (d-uh)

There is only ONE God (who counts) and there is one mediator between God and man, and that is his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Tim 2:5. And the God I worship is the ONLY God who can forgive your sin, and who can give you eternal life. THAT'S how I know. HE is the God who created the Universe
The Bible says a lot of things I don't believe, and much of the Bible is open to interpretation. You interpret it the way you want, but others may, and do interpret it differently.

Who says your God is the only one who counts? You? Well, that means less than nothing to me. I'm sure you can speak to many Jews (well, maybe YOU can't) Muslims, Buddhists, and any other religion you can name who will tell you their God is the "One God (who counts)" They are just as wrong as you are. Whatever God anyone believes in is the ONE God for them.
11/19/2022 2:50 PM
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Leftists Say Yes to Drag Queens for 1st Graders Topic

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