Parent bailing out a spoiled, ungrateful child Topic

Noted American critic, national anthem kneeler, and careless weed imbiber Britney Griner has been released from a Russian prison in a prisoner swap. All it took? Giving Russia the so-called "Merchant of death" in return.

Bravo identity politics for this very, very fair trade. We do need more public lessons from Griner about how bad America is.

Daddy Biden swoops in, the ungrateful child will remain so. Thank heavens. Paul Whelan remajns in a Russian prison, no dimwitted celebs care.
12/8/2022 9:09 AM
you say American critic and national anthem kneeler like it is a bad thing. Isn't that what America is about? Having the freedom to voice/show your displeasure and protest what you see as wrong with the country?? I guess it is not what America is all about if you are a right wing nut.
12/8/2022 2:27 PM
What about flag burning? Is that OK?
12/9/2022 11:56 AM
Constitutionally protected! Figured you'd know that. How long you been here in the U.S.?
12/9/2022 12:16 PM
You deride Griner and call a "hero" and defend the guy who was Dishonorably Discharged (because he was a CRIMINAL) and was, far more than likely, actually working as a spy. I love how the cons have fallen all over themselves to make sure to include the "Merchant of Death" nickname too. Cute fear-mongering, but you're still disingenuous morons sheeping right along in the conservative pasture of bullshit.

Ask yourself another question...

Why didn't your orange wanna-be dictator get Whelan out for 2 years?

Yeah. That's what I thought.
12/9/2022 12:30 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 12/9/2022 12:16:00 PM (view original):
Constitutionally protected! Figured you'd know that. How long you been here in the U.S.?
12/9/2022 1:13 PM
WORLD· Dec 8, 2022 ·

LOS ANGELES, CA – Freed WNBA player Brittney Griner has fled back to Russia after seeing an American flag for the first time in months. Griner spotted the flag near the tarmac of Los Angeles International Airport upon the arrival of her flight from Russia and had a negative reaction to the sight.

"AAHHHHH! The symbol of my oppression!" said Griner through tears. "When I see the American flag, I see slavery. I see Jim Crow. I see George Floyd. I see a country that does not care about black people, particularly not black members of the LGBTQ community."

"Only 3 minutes here and my very existence is already threatened by this American flag!"

The move came as a shock to many and was interpreted as a slap in the face to the Biden administration. "We worked so hard to free her. We told Putin he could have anything he wanted with no conditions whatsoever," said a Biden official who chose to remain anonymous. "Why would she go back to Putin? That just makes us look bad!"

Several activists sided with Griner. "They let her sit in Russia for almost a year," said nonbinary LGBTQ activist Nicole Owens. "And they only traded her for one guy. That's an insult. She is worth at least seven Russian Arms dealers." Other activists blamed the WNBA. "She barely makes a living wage," said Women's Rights activist Lena Hogan. "Her WNBA contract is only for $220,000 a year. She has to go to Russia to make any real money."

Griner is scheduled to arrive back in Moscow this evening.

12/9/2022 2:44 PM

Paul Whelan remajns in a Russian prison, no dimwitted celebs care.

**** YOU. You didn't know who he was before this. Actually **** off. Even Whelan's own family supports Griner being released. It wasn't a one or the other deal. The Russians think Whelan was being a spy, which is above the level of Griner's crime.

Words can not express how little I think of you. You are worse than scum.

12/9/2022 3:07 PM
Yeah, Whelan never was or will be on the table.

I still wouldnt trade an actual terrorist to free someone who actually broke the law.

Especially while we literally have thousands of Americans currently locked up on weed charges...
12/9/2022 3:11 PM
First of all, I didn't realize we just started to believe whatever the Russian police say.

Second, even if she did commit a crime, who cares. Bring her home. Yall wouldn't be saying this stuff if it wasn't a black, gay, left winger.

It's crazy how "free speech extremists" (gg) become radically against free speech when it's the left.

Isn't it crazy how "I don't agree with them, but they have a right to say it" is ONLY applied to Nazis and the far right, and NEVER to the far left?
12/9/2022 3:15 PM
Posted by DougOut on 12/9/2022 1:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 12/9/2022 12:16:00 PM (view original):
Constitutionally protected! Figured you'd know that. How long you been here in the U.S.?
The ******* constitution says its okay, but like your hero,Trump, you probably want to terminate the constitution. You are all law and order until you don't like the laws. **** off. I'm sorry I bothered to read one of your posts.
12/9/2022 3:21 PM

I also think it should be legal to burn the pride flag
12/9/2022 3:27 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 12/9/2022 3:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 12/9/2022 1:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 12/9/2022 12:16:00 PM (view original):
Constitutionally protected! Figured you'd know that. How long you been here in the U.S.?
The ******* constitution says its okay, but like your hero,Trump, you probably want to terminate the constitution. You are all law and order until you don't like the laws. **** off. I'm sorry I bothered to read one of your posts.

12/9/2022 3:44 PM (edited)
I wonder how interested wis admin might be that dumbout and coreggander arent actually paying custoners. dumb has 1 current league where he suks thats almost over. ohter dummy has a career spending spree here of 8 leagues, none current. Yet, a couple things come to mind: theyre allowed somehow to continually run rampant and even a 30 day timeout doesnt deter continuing bs 2 seconds after suspension over. The other come to mind is you can either pay no attention cuz stirring it up with no point thereafter except your attention is all they want, or you can keep feeding the troll. I used to think it might be boring around here if dumo/jetscum actually got booted forever, but nobodys missed him or even mentioned his name until i just did in the past 3 months since his banishment. if a dummy falls in the forest but nobodys around to hear it, did it ever really make a noise ?
12/9/2022 5:11 PM
tbf as much as I actually despise gg the forums are dead without his bullshit
12/9/2022 5:17 PM
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