The Second Greatest Thread in Forum History. Topic

Determined to find out WHAT IS GOING ON with GD, WIS, and other initialed things, we asked for, and received, an exclusive interview with the TRIPLE FAKE ORIOLE FAN !!!!

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

bob- yeah I will interview with u.  meet me @ chuck e cheese @730


From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Sure.  How will I find you?

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

i will find u.  wear some bengals gear.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Won't there be a lot of people wearing Bengals gear?

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

dude the bengals suck.  nobody wears their stuff.


With the meet scheduled, I flew in to Cincinnati.  Hailing a taxi, I asked the driver to take me to Chuck E. Cheese.  He looked at me with great suspicion, but finally asked which one.  After a quick Google search, I located the one closes to the WIS offices, and gave him the address.  I arrived at 7:15 pm, and walked into the restaurant.

I was immediately accosted by a ten-year-old kid.  "Are you bhazlewood?"  I nodded.  "Funny, I thought you would look smarter.  You're late!" 

I double-checked my watch,  7:16 pm.  "Look kid, I'm supposed to meet someone here and I don't have time for - wait a minute?  What do you mean I'm late?  I'm fifteen minutes early."

"No," said the kid. "You're nearly twelve hours late. If I wanted you here at night I would have said 1930.  Like when you were born, I'm guessing."

"Hold on a second," I replied.  "YOU are oriole_fan?"

"Yeah, what did you expect?"

"I dunno, someone a little more..... adult?"

"Yeah right, like WIS is gonna pay the bucks to hire some adult with my programming skillz, even if they could find somebody.  Look, go find us a booth or something where we can talk.  I'm going to go play 'whack-a-norbert' for a bit."

Dazed, I found a booth and sat down.  The gunk under the table was nearly as disgusting as watching 2Chair eat.  My thoughts were spinning, as I tried to rework the questions I was prepared to ask.   Eventually, the kid came and set down.  He carried a stack of prize tickets 22 inches thick.  

"I nearly have enough to win that Microsoft Surface Pro 2," he explained.  "Once I get that, I'll be able to check in to the WIS forums more often.  My mom confiscated my laptop after she found the "Girls of Leahy" thread."

"So that's why the updates have been few and far between?"

"Yeah, that and I got mad at Redhawk when he wouldn't let me add power-ups to the game.  What kind of game doesn't have power-ups?"

"You're trying to tell me the game has been left in a lurch because you weren't allowed to put in Gatorade+3?"

The kid gave me a withering look.  "No.  They couldn't use Gatorade anyway, cuz they wouldn't spring for a license to use the name.  No, the big problem was I wanted to add a Dynamic Sub-Cohesive Systemic Parameter-based series of multi-phasic n-stage polygon reticulations to the punter AI, and they refused.  They actually had the nerve to tell me an isokenetic quantum inversion induction cipher algorithm would function better.  As if."

I stared at the kid for a few moments.  Eventually, the uncomfortable silence made him uncomfortable.  "Ok, you got me. That's just a bunch of technobabble I heard on Dr. Who. It sounded good though, huh?  The real truth is I started working on this code, and I the more I dug into it, the more confusing it became.  I started making notes on a pad of paper, and that wasn't enough,  So I started putting up stuff on the wall, and it began to look like that scene in 'A Beautiful Mind' where the dude goes all conspiracy theory nuts on everyone and then the next thing you know my mom is calling some psychoanalyst and making me go to counseling and stuff and it made me miss the Pinky and The Brain marathon.  After that, i just couldn't take it anymore, so I started playing Super Tecmo Bowl on a video game system I build from spare bicycle parts.  And that's when I realized it."

"Realized what?" I asked.

"This game of yours really SUCKS. " said oriole. "Bad.  Like, really, really, really bad.  I don't know why you folks keep playing it."

"I thought you were supposed to fix it.  Make it better.  Make it --- playable and fun."

The kid just gave me a blank stare.  "Not. Possible." he said.  "The only thing that that would fix it is a total, start-from-the-beginning re-write of the application.  And we can't do that because of the Conte Code."

"The Conte Code?" I asked, fearing the answer.

"THE SINGLE MOST BRILLIANTLY DEVIOUS PIECE OF SOFTWARE EVER DEVELOPED!" oriole screamed.  "it ... it corrupts software.  Not so that the software crashes.  It just makes anything you try to do harder, and everytime you institute a fix, the Conte Code adds three or four more bugs. And then when you squash the bugs, it starts messing with the game logic, so things don't work like they are programmed.  Only... not always.  Sometimes stuff will work.  Other times, it won't.  It generates random results, so random that there's no rhyme or reason to it.  And it's like a virus, only a hundred times worse.  It's spread into every application at WIS.  It even started corrupting things we don't even run any more.  We tried to put up a firewall to stop it, but it somehow manged to get into the network and completely screw up their fantasy sports games.  It..... it is is terrifying... and ... somehow... beautiful...."

Oriole_fan entered a catatonic state, worse even than the ones people get when reading ceasari's posts.  After trying to snap oriole out of it for several minutes, I finally gave up, and started to leave the restaurant.  As I was leaving, a hand grabbed at my pants leg.  A crazed looking man sat curled up next to the "claw" machine, clutching a worn Boomer Esiason action figure. "It's the interface, man.  TELL THEM.  It's the Interface!  TELL THEM REDHAWK KNOWS.  It's.  The.  Interface."  I tore myself free from his grip, and grabbed the first taxi I could find.  "Get me out of here!" I panted.   "Anyplace.  Take me any place else!  Please!"


3/7/2014 1:27 PM
From a remote location, a man leaned back and stroked his stubbled chin. He leaned forward and pushed the rewind and the scene at Chuck E. Cheese flashed back up on the 186 inch monitor in the front of the room. He was very intent, studying every move and gesture made by the intervewer on the screen. When it finished, he pushed a button on the large chrome desk.
"Conte, get in here!" he barked.
JConte shuffled in, eyes bleary and his ND sweatshirt now hanging on him like a toga.
"Yes sir," JConte drawled, a wireless computer mouse still on and dangling in his fingers.
"What do you know about this Hazelwood fellow? I think he may be getting a little too nosey about our business." the man conjectured.
JConte's eyes opened a little wider then closed back down to narrow, sleepless slits. "He runs some underground team rating system off the GD grid, sir. Really harmless stuff, but he did seem to want to know all about player ratings every time I tried to alter them."
The man leaned forward, stared at the baggy ND sweatshirt and and then looked up at JConte's face. "You look like crap. You getting enough sleep?"
"I haven't been able to sleep ever since WIS side stepped us hired that brat, oriole. Norbert was a breeze to stay ahead of. Always looking at his "Bucket Theory" and worrying about throttling the game so a team from North Dakota could win a Championship. Oriole's logic is so convoluted that I don't see how anyone could figure out how to play that game now. If it weren't for redhawk fully falling off the wagon and eating those stale fries off the floor, oriole may have made this game actually playable. He found my hidden bug machine. I have had to work 23 hours a day to keep injuries out and XP at 100%."
"What do you do the other hour of the day," the man inquired.
JConte gave a faint smile and stated, "Just have to spend that time unwinding and watching the secret POLA-CAM device. Cracks me up every time I watch!"
Leaning forward now with a serious look across his brow, the man pointed a finger at JConte. "I want you to add monitoring this Hazelwood to your tasks. If he or oriole or any other of those sheep playing GD find out about our player normalization secret sub-routines in this game, we may not be able to stop them from leaving. Remember, it will take at least 100 seasons of coaching for the true effects of what we have planted in the game to start to take effect. We can't stand losing too many more before we're ready!"
JConte lowered his head and walked out. "Damn that oriole! All I have worked for in this game undone by a runt hooked on artificial Chuck E. Cheese tomato sauce!"
3/7/2014 2:37 PM
The taxi cab driver put his finger to his ear, nodded, and muttered "acknowledged."  He then turned to me "So pal, what brings you to Cincy?"

"How do you know I'm NOT from Cincy?" I asked. 

"The Bengals gear.  Nobody from here would be caught dead wearing that crap.  Hey, wait a minute, I recognize you - you're that guy that puts out the GUEST reports. I click an ad every time the Heinlein world reports come out."

Immediately I grew suspicious.  First, my picture is nowhere to be found on the GUESS Reports page. And second, because he mis-pronounced the name. And third, because I don't deal with Fantasy SciFi Authors.  And fourth, because he was dressed in a dark suit, wore sunglasses, and kept talking into his cuff link.  What kind of taxi driver wears cuff links?

"I think you have me confused with someone else," I said, as I stared out the window. I was still trying to make sense of it all.  I suspected things had gotten bad at WIS, but I never knew they were THAT bad.  It seemed like just yesterday, that SimCurling was ready to be launched, amidst great hoopla.  Or minor hoopla, anyway. I had to find out what was really going on.  I turned to the driver.  "Take me to 1313 Whatif Way."  

3/10/2014 11:00 AM (edited)
Behind a bank of monitors, a short, red haired women was observing the taxi from images sent by a drone flying overhead. She became concerned as the taxi, suddenly made a turn and headed east - toward their location.
"What is going on?" she shouted to the girl at the monitor. "They turned the wrong way! He is supposed to take them to the League of Legends tournament downtown! That is the only way we can get him reprogrammed!'
She continued to gaze at the screen and as they made the last turn onto Whatif Way, she started shouting instructions into her headset. "Get everyone ready! Make it look like we know what were doing! Put the sports and football posters back up and get rid of all that promotional material about the male enhancemant products! We gotta make this look legit or our cover will really be blown with this guy!"

Far away, a man in front of a 186 inch screen frowned.
3/7/2014 3:32 PM
For crap sake, don't stop now puleeeeeeze! I'm almost there!
3/7/2014 3:34 PM
The taxi stopped in front of 1313 WhatIf Way.  The building - more of a ramshackle hut, really - looked deserted.  Cautiously, I stepped from the cab.  "What do I owe you?" I asked.   "Er, uh, nothing I guess... I forgot to start the meter."   The driver winced as a burst of static came from his ear.  Hurriedly, he drove away into the gathering gloom of Cincinnati at night.

I approached the door, noticing the cobwebs on the handle.  "They probably just use the employee entrance" I thought.  The door creaked loudly as opened it and stepped inside.  The receptionist - a short, red haired woman - greeted me warmly.  "Welcome to WhatIfSports, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fox Sports Dot Com.  How may I provide excellent service to you today?"  Her smile seemed a bit forced, however.  Something was - off - about her.  Maybe it was just my imagination.  Maybe it was the way she kept glancing over at the Icky Woods poster on the wall, that apparently had come loose at one corner.  Maybe it was six guys dressed just like the taxi driver sitting in a circle in the middle of the waiting room.   Whatever it was, I was determined to stay on my guard,  "I have an appointment with Tom Zentmeyer.  Tell him Mr.Plissken is here to see him."

"Certainly sir, he is expecting you.  However, he's been delayed in a... " she glanced down at a jumble of notes on the desk  "a Hardball Dynasty User Focus Group.  Please have a seat."   I looked around.  The only open seat was in the middle of the taxi driver clones.  "Thanks, I'll stand"
3/7/2014 3:54 PM
She turned and pushed a small button on a cluttered, dusty and apparently hardly used reception desk. In the back room a red light went on, and the bevy of melatonin deficient techno-rats increased the frenzy of removing empty Chinese take-out cartons filled with cigarette butts, and empty Schlitz Lager cans from a disheveled meeting room. Dirty wash water and Frebreeze finished the cleaning and someone was able to find uncrumpled paper to place in an orderly format (for the technos anyways) on the scratched brown formica conference table. Three hastily dressed technos were doing the ro-cham-bo in the corner with the loser throwing paper to two sets of scissors and putting on the namebadge of Tom Zentmeyer. A couple of good hacks into his hands and a smoothing of his hair and he was ready to go. Open hallway doors were shut and locked and the putton pushed to turn the red light off. The recently selected Mr. Zentmeyer, adjusted his posture and strode confidently in his Chuck Taylor hightops toward the door leading to the waiting room.

The red-haired supervisor stopped him just before he entered and said in a low voice, "You know what to do if he starts to suspect anything. Don't go cold on me, finish him before he can escape. News of this meeting cannot get back into those GD forums!"
3/7/2014 5:32 PM (edited)
"Greetings Mr. Plissken, it's so nice to see you," said someone claiming to be Tom Zentmeyer.  I knew immediately this was a fake.  This clown's Chuck Taylor's were tied in a right-hand knot, and everyone knows Zentmeyer is left-handed.  Plus the bogus claim of an HBD Focus group.  HBD gets less attention than even GD does; those HBD folks have no idea how lucky they really are.

"Again," I smiled.  "That's what you meant, right?  So nice to see me again?  And please, call me Snake."  

"Of course, of course."  This fellow was clearly flustered, and out of his element.  Probably some techno thrown into the role at the last minute.  I was convinced now that I had them right where I wanted them.

"I've come to collect on the settlement," I announced.  "You've had plenty of time to prepare.  I don't want to have to raise another fuss in the legal system.  I don't believe you want that either, after that messy 'wrongful banning' case went against you.  Just give me what you owe me."

Sweat beaded on the forehead of the ersatz Zentmeyer.  He kept glancing back to the receptionist, as if looking for help, or..... instructions?  Surely the eye candy wasn't really the one in charge here?  But then I saw a nearly imperceptible nod towards the taxi driver clones.  I knew I had to make this fast.  "Turn over the code to GD 1.0, as the court ordered, and we'll all go about our business."

3/7/2014 8:59 PM
Three seats were all that remained unfilled. Around the large, shiny oak table sat the men, dressed in suits and ties, gritting their teeth in ferocious determination. Each one- 2chair, caesari, jibe, katzphang88, harriswb3, sjurat, and mojolad. Silence consumed the men as they waited for the briefing to begin.

Muffled footfalls grew louder as another man neared the door. They heard the lock turning before he stepped into the entryway, then averted their collective gaze as his eyes scanned them ruthlessly. "I hope we have some good news," came the booming voice as Dublinuf moved to his seat at the head of the table.

2chair stood nervously. "Sir, we have reason to believe the forums are compromised. I left a coded message in which I ridiculed my Daddy in Shakespearean prose."

Caesari raised an amused eyebrow. "Who's your daddy, 2chair?"

"You're my daddy," came the mumbled reply. 2chair met the inquisitive glances with a look of disgust. "He caught me stealing his parfait out of the break room, okay? This is my punishment."

Dubs raised his hand for the commotion to end. "Enough. I need a status update on our field agents."

After sjurat poked him a few times, Mojolad cleared his throat to gain the floor. His nervousness was evident. "Has anyone heard from Bob or from JF? I accidently forgot to contact them, I was just really enjoying the new 'Vanilla Ice Goes Amish' special on TV and-"

"Mojo- I'll take it." Jibe attempted to stand, but his wheelchair prevented him from doing so. "According to my contacts, Bob is off the grid. We lost a visual on him following his departure for Cincinnati, and have not had contact with him since he entered the meeting point with Oriole. We fear that the Programmers may have found him."

"And JF?" Dub's question was met with shifty eyes and uncomfortable silence. "Harris! I need an update on JF, stat!"

"He's gone AWOL, sir. I believe he may have become a liability. This engine... it's empowering him." 

Dub's face contorted into a sneer. "Well we can't have rogue agents out there. It's time for decisive action, no more grab-assing. Sjurat, 2chair, and Caesari, you three need to oversee the recovery and extraction of Bob. Harris and Katz, I need you two to find, locate, and terminate JF. If he's working with the Programmers, he already knows too much about our Coalition. And we can't take any chances."

Mojolad and jibe looked perturbed. "And us? What do we do?"

Dublinuf shook his head. "You two? I don't know, get me coffee or something. You are too old to be any help, anyways." He'd proceed to stand, forehead knitting as his fist slammed against the table. "This is no time for second guessing. We're balls deep in the engine overthrow, and one of our best is out there, possibly already captured by The Programmers. Let's go get him."
3/7/2014 10:07 PM
Meanwhile - at Biff's Clubhouse on Walnut and 14th . . .

mb625, psap and ahrens are getting anxious. . .

"bhazelwood said he would try to get out after that interview as fast as he could," mb said. "I think he is running late."

psap and ahrens glanced at each other, psap looks at his watch and ahrens takes another sip of brew.

"I mean it has been quite a while, " mb mumbles.

"OK, mb, if you and me agree to share what information bhazelwood gave you before he left, I think I will be able to get on your side and we should be able to keep our alliance straight on this," psap says.

ahrens leans over and whispers in mb's ear, "Tell him what he wants to know, I'll have your back if he gets eliminated, honest".

yatzr enters and heads over to the threesome.

"Hey listen to this, bhazelwood is on the line but he won't respond," yatzr holds up the phone and presses the speaker.

. . . "over the code to GD 1.0, as the court ordered, and we'll go about our business."

"That's bhazelwood!" psap shouts. The others shush him and they go back to listening in.

". . . where that code is. You know it was erased before 2.0 hit the streets. It's gone. It can't come back."
"That's the story we've been told." bhazelwood's voice come in over the phone. "But we both know that there was more to 1.0 than anyone else is letting on. Perhaps secret code, instructions . . . perhaps even subliminal suggestions. What else would be the reason for the disappearance of so many GD coaches after 2.0 rolled out."
"Damn it bhazelwood," ahrens muttered. "Give us a clue to where you are!"
". . . don't have authorization to give you that code. So, if you would be so kind, I will have our colleagues escort you out."
"I don't think so. I came to Cincy to get the info from oriole and didn't think I would have to confront you, Mr. Zentmeyer, here at 1313 Whatif Way. I came for the secrets of 1.0 and I mean to have them!"
"BINGO! let's go," yatzr blurts. "Let the council know we have a lead on bhazelwood."
". . . work boys! Now drag him into the back! . . ."
3/7/2014 10:27 PM (edited)
jibe stood. "It's cool," he said. "The PI can't film me in here. It's not my wheelchair that prevents me from getting up. It's my attorney. He said that parapalegia is a common side effect of paper cuts. I'm looking to clear two, maybe three million.... hey, where did everybody go? I'm getting ditched like Grandpa Simpson after church."

3/7/2014 10:38 PM

Katz and harris leave the conference through the back door and down the back elevator to the side entrance and into the hazy sunshine, Both drop their sunglasses onto their nose in unison and head towards the dark, custom Crown Vic waiting on the street.
"You drive, harris, I gotta think!" katz says.
"Hey, don't I have to think too?" harris queries.
"You got to think yesterday. It's my turn."

They get into the car and head off downtown.
"Let's see, Jfootball was at Florida A&M before he got run outta there by losing in the early rounds of the playoffs twice. Heard he is in San Jose now. " Guess we need to get out to the west coast and pay him a visit. Let's get to the Gulfstream, we need to get there quick."
"I'll need a lighter shade of black jacket for this trip," harris quipped.

3/7/2014 10:46 PM
"I came for the secrets of 1.0 and I mean to have them!"

"It's time you drop your act," sneered the red-haired woman.  MAN, she was smokin' hot.  "We know you're not Snake_P."

"What gives you that idea?" I asked, keeping one eye on the taxi driver clones and another on the woman. (this was difficult and somewhat painful, as they were on opposite sides of the room.)

"Because Snake_P was simply a figment on Conte's imagination - a plaything, a diversion, to take his mind off the fact that Notre Dame has been reduced to insignificant impotency as a football program.  So... who are you really?  Never mind, we already know that answer.  We already know ALL the answers."

"Oh yeah?," I retorted smartly. "Then which back is the blocking back?"  The taxi driver clones giggled at this, giving me the opportunity I needed.  I broke for the door.

Unfortunately, I had forgotten about the faux Zentmeyer.

3/8/2014 7:48 AM
faux Zentmeyer confronted BHaz with a plastic toy ray gun with cool sounds and multi colored blinking lights. 

"Aren't you forgetting something?" demanded faux Zentmeyer.

"Yes, I forgot about dealing with you," replied BHaz.

"I didn't say SOMEONE. I said SOMETHING," barked faux Zentmeyer. "Who was your English teacher? DIdn't you learn that difference? Anyway, aren't you forgetting something?"

"uuuuhhhhhhh," replied BHaz. 

"The 1.0 code you dolt!" exploded faux Zentmeyer. The beautiful redhead giggled. The taxi drivers rolled cigarettes and glared at BHaz. 

Meanwhile, sjurat, caesari and 2chair were deciding how to oversee the recovery and extraction of BHaz. 

"What do we do?" said caesari after they left the meeting room. 

"Why don't we sit in a hot tub and drink Maker's Mark?" suggested 2chair. 

sjurat and caesari exploded. "HOW WILL THAT HELP BHAZ???" they yelled. 

"It won't," replied 2chair calmly. "But let's face it. We don't know where he is. Katz and Harris are looking for BHaz, and we will just blame them if they don't save BHaz." 

"But," began caesari and sjurat. 

"AND - " continued 2chair as he looked at caesari, "Did you say that I inserted a code in my julius caesari play which will be continued this weekend with the assassination of julius caesari and lurid details of the nicknames which the other Senators have at the whorehouses?" 

"uh, wait," said caesari. "I get killed? I better have a good nickname. As for the code, I thought your code was to tell us that the forums are compromised."

"No!" exclaimed 2chair. "Who needs a code for that? What if my coded message was actually clues to resurrect the code for GD1.0? Then we wouldn't need BHaz. Well, except to solve the clues, write the code and get it to actually work."

"How come I haven't been on stage yet in your play?" asked sjurat. "And will I have a good nickname?" 

"It depends," said 2chair. "Do you agree that we should discuss this issue while sitting in a hot tub and drinking Makers Mark?" 

"Yes," replied caesari and sjurat in unison.

"Who's your daddy?" said 2chair to caesari.

"Shaddup," growled caesari. 

3/8/2014 11:42 AM
Just before caesari's fist  received the 'bust him in the chops' message from his brain, 2chairs phone buzzed.
"Yeah," he answered. "Great job, we'll head right over. You four seal off the area and make sure no one gets in or out! That was yatzr. He got a message from BHaz. He is being held in a junked out old building over on Whatif Way.  We'll take the "Special Van" 'cuz there might be trouble!"

Meanwhile, katz and harris had just taken off in the Gulfstream headed west to search out that traitor, jfootball.
"Pass me another of those Maryland crab puffs," katz said just as harris jolted each of their glasses with another shot of Maker's Mark.
3/8/2014 1:44 PM (edited)
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