Best Decade Team - Tournament Topic

I'm not going to post a hitting chart since it's basically the opposite of this chart.
1/16/2017 10:13 AM
Hopefully cookie score translates to wins in these leagues
1/16/2017 2:19 PM
....and hopefully pitching is overrated. Swing for the fences boys!
1/16/2017 2:27 PM
I decided to check on total innings drafted (including mopup). Here is that chart.
1/16/2017 2:52 PM
Grp Name 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Avg Exp Ratio
A mpitt76 1565 - 1528 - 1532 - 1482 - 1481 - 1445 - 1506 1474 102%
A calhoop - 1526 - 1528 - 1487 - 1449 - 1490 - 1456 1489 1485 100%
B schwarze - 1477 - - - 1501 1423 1481 - 1451 - 1469 1467 1474 100%
B ozomatli 1450 - 1464 1480 1455 - - - 1451 - 1477 - 1463 1485 99%
C ejstockman - 1488 - 1545 - 1501 - 1481 - 1451 - 1419 1481 1485 100%
C d_rock97 1427 - 1359 - 1446 - 1445 - 1514 - 1455 - 1441 1474 98%
D Jtpsops - 1525 - 1614 - 1559 - 1509 - 1481 - 1486 1529 1485 103%
D dougpalm 1537 - 1568 - 1505 - 1510 - 1480 - 1472 - 1512 1474 103%
E GuerillaZen1 1398 1397 - 1408 1381 1423 1361 - - - - - 1395 1487 94%
E zlionsfan - - 1527 - - - - 1568 1580 1545 1532 1520 1545 1472 105%
F slainte - - - - - - 1481 1463 1479 1481 1452 1415 1462 1466 100%
F PennQuaker 1501 1561 1572 1560 1535 1540 - - - - - - 1545 1493 103%
G njbigwig - 1514 - 1551 - 1506 - 1484 - 1498 - 1517 1512 1485 102%
G pedrocerrano 1473 - 1530 - 1490 - 1474 - 1454 - 1475 - 1483 1474 101%
H duece_duece 1478 - 1452 - 1448 - 1459 - 1436 - 1385 - 1443 1474 98%
H brianjw - 1497 - 1516 - 1501 - 1450 - 1422 - 1424 1468 1485 99%
I skunk206 - 1471 1510 1536 - - - 1490 1477 1426 - - 1485 1490 100%
I redwingscup 1525 - - - 1457 1479 1470 - - - 1442 1441 1469 1469 100%
J bardin - 1461 - 1526 - 1464 1434 1431 - - 1446 - 1460 1485 98%
J mildnhazy 1438 - 1480 - 1470 - - - 1449 1446 - 1416 1450 1474 98%
K buddhagamer 1421 - 1423 - 1490 - 1500 - 1464 - 1397 - 1449 1474 98%
K justinlee_24 - 1445 - 1460 - 1490 - 1466 - 1445 - 1384 1448 1485 98%
L batandball 1523 - - 1597 - 1519 1481 1517 - - - 1457 1516 1482 102%
L Relkcirts - 1489 1549 - 1478 - - - 1494 1479 1468 - 1493 1477 101%
------------------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Decade Avg 1478 1488 1497 1527 1474 1498 1460 1482 1480 1468 1454 1450 1480 1480 100%
1/16/2017 2:52 PM
Posted by GuerillaZen1 on 1/16/2017 2:27:00 PM (view original):
....and hopefully pitching is overrated. Swing for the fences boys!
Uh oh...
1/16/2017 2:54 PM
I figured out a way to compare every roster against every other roster from the same decade. I created a measure for this by adding up the salaries of duplicate players. To be considered a duplicate, the two players have to be from the same year and have the same salary. I will call this meaure "Comp Factor". So if two people have the exact same 25-man roster, their "Comp Factor" would be close to 120 (i.e., 120 million salary). If all 25 players were different than another team, then the Comp Factor = 0 (this does occur a few times). The highest comp factor between two teams is 87.2 (by ozomatli and skunk206, 1980's decade).
1/16/2017 11:13 PM (edited)
For example, ozomatli and skunk206 have the following matches....
1986 Mike Scott 11648922
1985 Dwight Gooden 11384049
1985 John Tudor 10475596
1989 Bret Saberhagen 9674692
1985 Willie McGee 8372684
1987 Tony Gwynn 8171166
1984 Ryne Sandberg 8164952
1987 Ozzie Smith 7418077
1982 Gary Carter 6577938
1981 Rich Gossage 3810525
1987 Jack McDowell 1305890
1988 Juan Beniquez 236319
1/16/2017 10:58 PM
The overall average Comp Factor is 35.7 but it varies by decade. Here are the average Comp Factor's by decade...
1900's - 33.7
1910's - 28.9
1920's - 36.4
1930's - 47.9
1940's - 44.0
1950's - 37.7
1960's - 37.1
1970's - 44.2
1980's - 42.8
1990's - 24.5
2000's - 26.0
2010's - 25.4
1/16/2017 11:04 PM
The following tables represent the "Comp Factors" for each decade. I've abbreviated usernames in order to get these tables to fit without scrolling. The names are sorted by League number order, within each decade.
1/17/2017 11:28 AM (edited)
1900's duece pedro PennQ Gueri dougp d_roc ozoma mpitt batan buddh mildn redwi
duece x 36.6 44.2 34.2 30.8 38.2 37.9 19.0 31.6 50.4 33.0 31.9
pedro 36.6 x 33.5 46.2 65.9 36.8 44.6 34.6 21.8 33.8 43.3 55.6
PennQ 44.2 33.5 x 10.2 12.9 12.9 25.5 32.5 37.8 52.0 12.9 15.4
Gueri 34.2 46.2 10.2 x 47.3 43.9 51.0 31.1 15.9 23.4 44.7 37.3
dougp 30.8 65.9 12.9 47.3 x 30.6 27.9 43.9 11.9 21.7 56.0 52.6
d_roc 38.2 36.8 12.9 43.9 30.6 x 38.0 23.3 9.5 22.0 68.2 41.9
ozoma 37.9 44.6 25.5 51.0 27.9 38.0 x 36.7 37.0 22.4 31.7 38.8
mpitt 19.0 34.6 32.5 31.1 43.9 23.3 36.7 x 21.8 27.2 42.2 21.2
batan 31.6 21.8 37.8 15.9 11.9 9.5 37.0 21.8 x 32.4 9.5 16.3
buddh 50.4 33.8 52.0 23.4 21.7 22.0 22.4 27.2 32.4 x 34.4 31.1
mildn 33.0 43.3 12.9 44.7 56.0 68.2 31.7 42.2 9.5 34.4 x 60.5
redwi 31.9 55.6 15.4 37.3 52.6 41.9 38.8 21.2 16.3 31.1 60.5 x
Average 35.3 41.2 26.3 35.0 36.5 33.2 35.6 30.3 22.3 31.9 39.7 36.6
1910's njbig PennQ Gueri Jtpso ejsto schwa calho Relkc justi bardi skunk brian
njbig x 24.9 42.4 10.8 45.7 32.6 21.4 25.6 19.4 28.2 20.4 20.8
PennQ 24.9 x 51.4 5.3 16.7 32.2 27.4 30.2 23.2 29.1 27.4 41.8
Gueri 42.4 51.4 x 19.1 50.5 40.7 42.7 38.7 29.9 46.8 54.3 36.7
Jtpso 10.8 5.3 19.1 x 11.5 0.2 10.7 20.3 37.8 27.3 0.0 1.9
ejsto 45.7 16.7 50.5 11.5 x 19.9 17.3 16.2 20.2 18.3 34.0 22.3
schwa 32.6 32.2 40.7 0.2 19.9 x 39.7 38.4 15.6 17.8 55.9 23.3
calho 21.4 27.4 42.7 10.7 17.3 39.7 x 27.4 10.9 45.0 50.2 33.7
Relkc 25.6 30.2 38.7 20.3 16.2 38.4 27.4 x 47.4 42.2 44.1 46.6
justi 19.4 23.2 29.9 37.8 20.2 15.6 10.9 47.4 x 36.0 10.7 37.8
bardi 28.2 29.1 46.8 27.3 18.3 17.8 45.0 42.2 36.0 x 34.4 16.5
skunk 20.4 27.4 54.3 0.0 34.0 55.9 50.2 44.1 10.7 34.4 x 39.0
brian 20.8 41.8 36.7 1.9 22.3 23.3 33.7 46.6 37.8 16.5 39.0 x
Average 26.6 28.1 41.2 13.2 24.8 28.8 29.7 34.3 26.3 31.0 33.7 29.1
1920's zlion dougp d_roc ozoma mpitt Relkc buddh mildn skunk duece pedro PennQ
zlion x 25.1 17.6 13.0 33.0 23.2 16.2 24.6 4.6 4.6 24.7 10.7
dougp 25.1 x 33.2 53.3 72.3 37.7 48.3 55.3 36.1 34.7 31.5 33.6
d_roc 17.6 33.2 x 43.8 43.8 19.0 39.7 44.1 47.0 20.0 28.3 40.6
ozoma 13.0 53.3 43.8 x 44.3 50.9 61.5 74.0 62.1 43.2 18.8 42.6
mpitt 33.0 72.3 43.8 44.3 x 25.9 46.9 56.5 36.3 43.0 53.9 35.3
Relkc 23.2 37.7 19.0 50.9 25.9 x 25.2 46.3 51.3 53.2 18.0 17.0
buddh 16.2 48.3 39.7 61.5 46.9 25.2 x 36.9 35.2 30.0 26.4 26.1
mildn 24.6 55.3 44.1 74.0 56.5 46.3 36.9 x 56.8 46.8 21.7 52.4
skunk 4.6 36.1 47.0 62.1 36.3 51.3 35.2 56.8 x 52.7 39.9 33.2
duece 4.6 34.7 20.0 43.2 43.0 53.2 30.0 46.8 52.7 x 29.2 22.0
pedro 24.7 31.5 28.3 18.8 53.9 18.0 26.4 21.7 39.9 29.2 x 25.6
PennQ 10.7 33.6 40.6 42.6 35.3 17.0 26.1 52.4 33.2 22.0 25.6 x
Average 17.9 41.9 34.3 46.2 44.7 33.4 35.7 46.9 41.4 34.5 28.9 30.8
1/16/2017 11:10 PM
1930's bardi skunk brian njbig PennQ Gueri Jtpso ejsto ozoma calho batan justi
bardi x 56.0 46.5 53.9 57.5 50.1 40.8 55.0 51.4 64.2 46.3 39.1
skunk 56.0 x 55.1 46.6 40.8 49.9 40.8 56.6 52.3 57.5 36.7 36.0
brian 46.5 55.1 x 31.9 47.3 67.0 59.8 36.9 72.8 43.8 39.5 47.8
njbig 53.9 46.6 31.9 x 33.1 46.0 35.8 32.1 52.6 77.0 26.0 61.6
PennQ 57.5 40.8 47.3 33.1 x 52.7 51.4 38.1 47.3 40.8 55.1 49.5
Gueri 50.1 49.9 67.0 46.0 52.7 x 68.5 39.7 57.4 50.8 39.0 63.7
Jtpso 40.8 40.8 59.8 35.8 51.4 68.5 x 49.3 57.4 43.1 37.9 51.8
ejsto 55.0 56.6 36.9 32.1 38.1 39.7 49.3 x 38.9 43.0 28.4 43.6
ozoma 51.4 52.3 72.8 52.6 47.3 57.4 57.4 38.9 x 54.8 43.5 48.9
calho 64.2 57.5 43.8 77.0 40.8 50.8 43.1 43.0 54.8 x 36.7 52.4
batan 46.3 36.7 39.5 26.0 55.1 39.0 37.9 28.4 43.5 36.7 x 37.0
justi 39.1 36.0 47.8 61.6 49.5 63.7 51.8 43.6 48.9 52.4 37.0 x
Average 51.0 48.0 49.8 45.2 46.7 53.2 48.8 42.0 52.5 51.3 38.7 48.3
1940's d_roc ozoma mpitt Relkc buddh mildn redwi duece pedro PennQ Gueri dougp
d_roc x 39.1 57.5 33.7 31.6 20.0 23.9 35.1 31.4 20.0 40.4 25.9
ozoma 39.1 x 43.9 65.5 30.4 53.2 56.7 82.0 41.7 50.8 62.6 32.7
mpitt 57.5 43.9 x 43.3 35.0 35.2 51.2 40.4 49.7 39.5 47.4 36.3
Relkc 33.7 65.5 43.3 x 47.2 66.3 58.4 56.6 26.3 62.3 56.5 38.8
buddh 31.6 30.4 35.0 47.2 x 62.5 42.4 38.2 16.7 62.7 17.6 34.0
mildn 20.0 53.2 35.2 66.3 62.5 x 76.0 46.9 23.2 70.7 37.6 50.2
redwi 23.9 56.7 51.2 58.4 42.4 76.0 x 42.6 34.2 58.9 38.8 68.0
duece 35.1 82.0 40.4 56.6 38.2 46.9 42.6 x 33.1 40.8 44.6 29.9
pedro 31.4 41.7 49.7 26.3 16.7 23.2 34.2 33.1 x 23.8 44.7 58.5
PennQ 20.0 50.8 39.5 62.3 62.7 70.7 58.9 40.8 23.8 x 39.4 57.7
Gueri 40.4 62.6 47.4 56.5 17.6 37.6 38.8 44.6 44.7 39.4 x 39.5
dougp 25.9 32.7 36.3 38.8 34.0 50.2 68.0 29.9 58.5 57.7 39.5 x
Average 32.6 50.8 43.6 50.5 38.0 49.3 50.1 44.6 34.8 47.9 42.6 42.9
1950's justi bardi redwi brian njbig PennQ Gueri Jtpso ejsto schwa calho batan
justi x 26.3 38.6 13.5 16.1 28.2 77.0 44.5 31.5 65.2 36.1 20.0
bardi 26.3 x 30.3 55.9 43.4 28.2 28.5 76.8 39.1 39.8 45.7 19.5
redwi 38.6 30.3 x 35.8 24.7 35.5 42.2 30.8 37.3 42.0 45.7 35.5
brian 13.5 55.9 35.8 x 26.8 22.4 24.2 44.3 37.1 23.1 52.7 27.6
njbig 16.1 43.4 24.7 26.8 x 33.4 34.5 38.4 23.3 31.6 38.5 33.2
PennQ 28.2 28.2 35.5 22.4 33.4 x 40.7 35.8 39.9 45.8 36.2 43.0
Gueri 77.0 28.5 42.2 24.2 34.5 40.7 x 41.0 48.4 65.3 37.0 29.3
Jtpso 44.5 76.8 30.8 44.3 38.4 35.8 41.0 x 47.3 54.6 44.6 18.3
ejsto 31.5 39.1 37.3 37.1 23.3 39.9 48.4 47.3 x 40.0 42.1 30.4
schwa 65.2 39.8 42.0 23.1 31.6 45.8 65.3 54.6 40.0 x 46.8 27.9
calho 36.1 45.7 45.7 52.7 38.5 36.2 37.0 44.6 42.1 46.8 x 49.2
batan 20.0 19.5 35.5 27.6 33.2 43.0 29.3 18.3 30.4 27.9 49.2 x
Average 36.1 39.4 36.2 33.0 31.3 35.4 42.6 43.3 37.9 43.8 43.1 30.4
1/16/2017 11:11 PM
1960's schwa mpitt batan buddh bardi redwi duece pedro slain Gueri dougp d_roc
schwa x 41.3 59.4 40.6 39.6 38.7 51.5 34.7 60.5 45.5 44.2 30.0
mpitt 41.3 x 27.6 30.4 33.9 50.8 29.8 35.7 46.7 63.3 39.6 34.1
batan 59.4 27.6 x 41.4 25.9 32.8 46.2 10.8 41.6 33.2 22.6 22.4
buddh 40.6 30.4 41.4 x 39.9 41.8 32.1 22.9 48.7 39.9 31.6 27.8
bardi 39.6 33.9 25.9 39.9 x 30.2 40.2 15.8 30.7 59.6 25.5 64.2
redwi 38.7 50.8 32.8 41.8 30.2 x 33.2 25.5 51.3 41.4 29.3 27.3
duece 51.5 29.8 46.2 32.1 40.2 33.2 x 39.2 39.8 45.8 21.7 45.9
pedro 34.7 35.7 10.8 22.9 15.8 25.5 39.2 x 31.7 25.9 35.4 37.3
slain 60.5 46.7 41.6 48.7 30.7 51.3 39.8 31.7 x 45.6 38.7 39.3
Gueri 45.5 63.3 33.2 39.9 59.6 41.4 45.8 25.9 45.6 x 29.9 36.0
dougp 44.2 39.6 22.6 31.6 25.5 29.3 21.7 35.4 38.7 29.9 x 21.8
d_roc 30.0 34.1 22.4 27.8 64.2 27.3 45.9 37.3 39.3 36.0 21.8 x
Average 44.2 39.4 33.1 36.1 36.9 36.6 38.7 28.6 43.1 42.4 30.9 35.1
1970's Jtpso ejsto schwa calho batan justi bardi skunk brian njbig slain zlion
Jtpso x 70.2 38.0 32.7 49.1 34.5 37.4 30.4 39.8 26.2 36.8 36.1
ejsto 70.2 x 48.7 47.2 48.6 34.2 58.8 39.2 61.6 27.9 40.1 37.5
schwa 38.0 48.7 x 82.3 45.1 70.6 75.9 72.9 40.8 37.5 59.7 28.7
calho 32.7 47.2 82.3 x 41.7 74.1 69.9 66.3 35.6 41.9 47.8 35.9
batan 49.1 48.6 45.1 41.7 x 39.4 38.4 60.5 48.5 24.3 56.8 18.6
justi 34.5 34.2 70.6 74.1 39.4 x 55.5 65.2 26.0 26.4 57.0 30.1
bardi 37.4 58.8 75.9 69.9 38.4 55.5 x 75.1 52.2 37.4 48.2 36.3
skunk 30.4 39.2 72.9 66.3 60.5 65.2 75.1 x 55.7 27.4 58.5 26.2
brian 39.8 61.6 40.8 35.6 48.5 26.0 52.2 55.7 x 18.6 41.2 24.5
njbig 26.2 27.9 37.5 41.9 24.3 26.4 37.4 27.4 18.6 x 13.1 27.0
slain 36.8 40.1 59.7 47.8 56.8 57.0 48.2 58.5 41.2 13.1 x 25.1
zlion 36.1 37.5 28.7 35.9 18.6 30.1 36.3 26.2 24.5 27.0 25.1 x
Average 39.2 46.7 54.6 52.3 42.8 46.6 53.2 52.5 40.4 28.0 44.0 29.6
1980's Relkc buddh mildn skunk duece pedro slain zlion dougp d_roc ozoma mpitt
Relkc x 46.4 40.8 54.5 42.3 10.6 53.1 16.0 36.3 62.4 71.7 46.3
buddh 46.4 x 54.1 69.5 34.8 23.8 39.4 38.0 55.5 52.5 69.0 50.1
mildn 40.8 54.1 x 58.1 47.9 25.3 56.0 17.1 39.9 27.0 56.1 43.2
skunk 54.5 69.5 58.1 x 60.9 34.6 57.3 37.8 49.6 56.6 87.2 61.1
duece 42.3 34.8 47.9 60.9 x 21.4 61.1 15.9 34.1 36.4 59.2 36.5
pedro 10.6 23.8 25.3 34.6 21.4 x 8.8 28.5 30.3 21.7 21.7 20.5
slain 53.1 39.4 56.0 57.3 61.1 8.8 x 28.9 42.4 33.6 55.7 49.2
zlion 16.0 38.0 17.1 37.8 15.9 28.5 28.9 x 37.2 46.3 30.5 39.1
dougp 36.3 55.5 39.9 49.6 34.1 30.3 42.4 37.2 x 55.7 42.8 30.7
d_roc 62.4 52.5 27.0 56.6 36.4 21.7 33.6 46.3 55.7 x 55.2 46.0
ozoma 71.7 69.0 56.1 87.2 59.2 21.7 55.7 30.5 42.8 55.2 x 53.8
mpitt 46.3 50.1 43.2 61.1 36.5 20.5 49.2 39.1 30.7 46.0 53.8 x
Average 43.7 48.5 42.3 57.0 41.0 22.5 44.1 30.5 41.3 44.9 54.8 43.3
1/16/2017 11:11 PM
1990's slain zlion Jtpso ejsto schwa calho Relkc justi mildn skunk brian njbig
slain x 33.5 15.8 22.4 15.7 20.6 14.7 19.4 25.9 16.9 37.7 0.0
zlion 33.5 x 2.5 21.8 12.5 20.6 9.2 19.3 17.7 12.0 36.0 10.7
Jtpso 15.8 2.5 x 5.4 38.3 14.8 19.5 37.8 25.4 34.1 17.0 0.0
ejsto 22.4 21.8 5.4 x 12.4 27.2 17.9 19.3 29.4 30.3 17.2 25.7
schwa 15.7 12.5 38.3 12.4 x 39.8 22.9 65.6 48.4 45.8 32.3 8.4
calho 20.6 20.6 14.8 27.2 39.8 x 22.1 38.7 31.8 43.4 39.2 16.0
Relkc 14.7 9.2 19.5 17.9 22.9 22.1 x 32.5 26.4 29.6 26.4 5.7
justi 19.4 19.3 37.8 19.3 65.6 38.7 32.5 x 39.9 52.9 42.3 16.0
mildn 25.9 17.7 25.4 29.4 48.4 31.8 26.4 39.9 x 22.9 26.4 18.1
skunk 16.9 12.0 34.1 30.3 45.8 43.4 29.6 52.9 22.9 x 50.4 14.8
brian 37.7 36.0 17.0 17.2 32.3 39.2 26.4 42.3 26.4 50.4 x 1.7
njbig 0.0 10.7 0.0 25.7 8.4 16.0 5.7 16.0 18.1 14.8 1.7 x
Average 20.2 17.8 19.1 20.8 31.1 28.6 20.6 34.9 28.4 32.1 29.7 10.6
2000's mpitt Relkc buddh bardi redwi duece pedro slain zlion dougp d_roc ozoma
mpitt x 8.3 23.5 34.5 35.3 38.0 20.6 47.1 11.4 31.8 28.9 39.5
Relkc 8.3 x 52.8 16.0 18.1 11.0 14.7 20.0 12.5 29.1 33.3 16.4
buddh 23.5 52.8 x 16.0 14.7 14.1 26.8 21.3 28.0 23.1 38.9 33.7
bardi 34.5 16.0 16.0 x 39.2 35.8 28.5 35.1 17.8 33.2 29.1 45.1
redwi 35.3 18.1 14.7 39.2 x 31.8 35.8 36.2 8.0 22.5 22.8 40.1
duece 38.0 11.0 14.1 35.8 31.8 x 17.9 30.4 0.0 38.1 31.4 37.5
pedro 20.6 14.7 26.8 28.5 35.8 17.9 x 8.3 23.9 12.4 19.1 15.7
slain 47.1 20.0 21.3 35.1 36.2 30.4 8.3 x 11.4 25.1 28.0 37.6
zlion 11.4 12.5 28.0 17.8 8.0 0.0 23.9 11.4 x 16.8 0.0 15.2
dougp 31.8 29.1 23.1 33.2 22.5 38.1 12.4 25.1 16.8 x 45.0 49.0
d_roc 28.9 33.3 38.9 29.1 22.8 31.4 19.1 28.0 0.0 45.0 x 31.7
ozoma 39.5 16.4 33.7 45.1 40.1 37.5 15.7 37.6 15.2 49.0 31.7 x
Average 29.0 21.1 26.6 30.0 27.7 26.0 20.3 27.3 13.2 29.6 28.0 32.8
2010's redwi brian njbig slain zlion Jtpso ejsto schwa calho batan justi mildn
redwi x 13.3 14.9 24.0 33.1 25.3 41.2 24.0 41.8 24.0 25.1 21.2
brian 13.3 x 8.4 27.8 20.5 21.9 12.9 19.3 0.0 44.9 32.3 21.3
njbig 14.9 8.4 x 20.5 34.2 8.6 8.6 24.7 14.9 0.0 0.0 8.6
slain 24.0 27.8 20.5 x 13.8 45.1 30.0 68.4 35.3 28.1 30.1 54.8
zlion 33.1 20.5 34.2 13.8 x 10.3 10.3 10.3 25.2 23.0 20.3 23.6
Jtpso 25.3 21.9 8.6 45.1 10.3 x 31.8 32.7 10.3 37.3 30.2 29.8
ejsto 41.2 12.9 8.6 30.0 10.3 31.8 x 38.2 26.3 21.2 21.2 29.8
schwa 24.0 19.3 24.7 68.4 10.3 32.7 38.2 x 38.4 24.0 32.2 59.5
calho 41.8 0.0 14.9 35.3 25.2 10.3 26.3 38.4 x 10.3 17.5 41.4
batan 24.0 44.9 0.0 28.1 23.0 37.3 21.2 24.0 10.3 x 40.1 23.8
justi 25.1 32.3 0.0 30.1 20.3 30.2 21.2 32.2 17.5 40.1 x 36.9
mildn 21.2 21.3 8.6 54.8 23.6 29.8 29.8 59.5 41.4 23.8 36.9 x
Average 26.2 20.2 13.0 34.4 20.4 25.7 24.7 33.8 23.8 25.2 26.0 31.9
1/16/2017 11:11 PM
Posted by brianjw on 1/6/2017 12:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by schwarze on 12/29/2016 12:57:00 PM (view original):
Once all the teams have been entered, I will post stats on the player distribution for each decade. I wonder which decade will have the most variability?
My guess is 2010s. Even with only 7 years, there are so many position players, and relief pitchers, that are playable at this cap.
Looks like I got a guess about roster composition right (for once).
1/16/2017 11:24 PM
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