Moral Obligation? Topic

Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 8:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Well, it was a loophole and, regardless of your definition, it was was cheating. To the best of my knowledge, no one was punished but the loophole was closed.

IMO, using D1 scouting for your D3 team is a loophole and it is cheating. My assumption, and to be fair, that's what it is even though it LOOKS REALLY SUSPICIOUS, 0nly used a loophole to benefit his D3 school. If he did cheat, he should lose the team that benefited. And WifS should close this loophole forever.

Which, truth be told, sucks. If a guy wants 13 teams, and we know HD needs that guy to have 13 teams, he should have 13 teams. It's probably way too much work to prevent a single user from having a known alias and preventing both of them from scouting the same state/same level but that's what should be done to accommodate Mr.13teams and prevent cheating.
If no one was punished, then how was it cheating? If it was such an egregious act, surely punishments would have been appropriate, no? Might it have been morally wrong? Maybe, but being morally wrong doesn't necessarily equate to cheating, does it?
You cheat on your wife. You never get caught. No punishment, no consequences. Did you cheat, Einstein?
Amazing that you could equate exploiting a loophole on an internet baseball game (in your original comment) to committing adultery. Exaggerate much Einstein?
4/3/2017 9:29 PM (edited)
Posted by CoachSpud on 4/3/2017 7:49:00 PM (view original):
"If no one was punished, then how was it cheating?" ROFLMAO.

OMG, when a hater like emy turns into a rocket scientist and speaks a cosmic truth like that, how can anyone not believe that he and bevis and Only are being unfairly crucified? Now they can throw a parade for only and the other cheaters and the handful of loudmouths that lined up with him. That parade might take two minutes if they walk slow enough. Surely that will bring this thread to a halt.
And when a spineless, nutless troll like you Spud is scared to reveal your alt ID's because you're afraid that they'll get trolled it makes any and all comments from you amount to a little less than jackshit.
4/3/2017 9:21 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 8:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/2/2017 10:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 4/2/2017 9:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cubcub113 on 4/2/2017 8:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/2/2017 8:20:00 PM (view original):
As best I can tell, only two people don't see a problem. The cheater and his pal.
People may see a problem (like me) but I don't think Only cheated. Those are very different statements.
I don't think he cheated. I think he needs to drop his second ID and be clear of suspicions. Two IDS is unacceptable in 3.0.. It just is too tempting.
There is absolutely no reason to believe he didn't cheat. It's pretty apparent what happened in this single instance. As previously mentioned, he could have been doing it for several seasons. In fact, it could work the other way too. He could scout D1 players, locally, with his D3 school and recruit with his D1 school. No reason to believe he hasn't. Someone with time on their hands could cross-reference his rosters in all 3 worlds and see how many times it's happened.
Then if you're so sure, put your argument together, submit a ticket to CS, and see what they do. If you're right, you're right. But put your money where your mouth is and if CS finds no indication of wrongdoing, then man up and buy the coach in question a 10 pack of seasons. I mean, if you're SO sure that he cheated, nut up big boy.
I don't report people. That's pussified.
If you aren't willing to do anything about it, then quit ******** about it. You cry more than a little girl with a skinned ******* knee. On the one hand, you blame WiS for their laissez faire attitude and then turn right around with a laissez faire attitude of your own. Hypocrite thy name is MikeT.
4/3/2017 9:23 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 8:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 10:40:00 AM (view original):
Well, if we want to suspend reality, here's what we're to believe:
1. He didn't scout Canada with his D1 team.
2. He spent $600+ in D3 money to get to L2 or $1800+ to get to L4.

Maybe both of those happened. Much more likely, he did scout Canada with his D1 and scouted him up with D1 money. Then opened Canada with his D3 and recruited the guy. If he even scouted Canada with his D1 before dropping a single AP on the guy, there's a problem.
If you'd quit being so hardheaded, that's all Benis has been trying to say, that maybe both of those things happened. You, on the other hand, are assuming that because of the way things played out that Only MUST have cheated. You've accused him several times. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. All Benis has been saying is that YOU don't know for sure.
If it walks like a duck and it sounds like a duck, it's probably a goddam duck.

Yesterday, someone asked "Did you scout Canada with your D1 team?" Mr.Vocal never responded. Why?

Key word being "probably". As I said, maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Difference is, I like to see PROOF before I convict someone. You shoot first then ask questions later. If you would have been paying as much attention as you like to think you are, you'd know that he couldn't respond because he's been banned. Hell, it was posted right in this very thread you ignorant turd.

Oh, if you don't want me to respond to several different posts then put all of your gibberish in one large post you mental midget. By the way, as far as proving things go, you made the accusation, you made the assumption. The burden of proof falls on you Einstein, not me. You can't prove a negative like you're suggesting I do. I figured even someone with such an obviously limited mental capacity would know that but it looks like you're gonna have to have Spud hold your hand and walk you through this.

And yes, in my own mind, I'm some kind of HD legend. One day you might be too. You talk about HBD an awful lot, you an HBD legend Michael?

What you morons don't seem to understand is that neither I nor Benis are saying that we think Only cheated, nor are we saying that we don't think he cheated. Only that the possibility is that he didn't, while you pitchfork carrying ************* are ready to have him drawn and quartered without any real proof, only your own assumptions. It ain't that ******* difficult. I hope none of you quick to convict bastards ever has to serve on a jury of any sort. Damn.

No more on this topic from me, I can tell you're both dumber than a bucket of hair and if you can't understand by now, your hopeless ***** never will.
4/3/2017 9:51 PM (edited)
Posted by CoachSpud on 4/3/2017 7:49:00 PM (view original):
"If no one was punished, then how was it cheating?" ROFLMAO.

OMG, when a hater like emy turns into a rocket scientist and speaks a cosmic truth like that, how can anyone not believe that he and bevis and Only are being unfairly crucified? Now they can throw a parade for only and the other cheaters and the handful of loudmouths that lined up with him. That parade might take two minutes if they walk slow enough. Surely that will bring this thread to a halt.
'Hater'. Seriously? 'Hater'? You going all teenage angst here?
4/3/2017 9:49 PM
Yeah, I'm not reading all that because someone sent me some "interesting" info.

Seems my boy emy has some aliases. emy1013, dcy0827, and angmar

Seems he's used them for some "suspicious" activity. Like taking teams for 1 season, teams with 6 openings, near schools his other aliases coach. Seems my mystery informant thinks he did that to scout for his other schools. I haven't verified any of this but, emy, is it true? Not the scouting part, I'm sure you'll say that didn't happen, but the alias taking schools near your other username's schools?

Is this a thing?
4/3/2017 10:44 PM
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 9:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 8:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Well, it was a loophole and, regardless of your definition, it was was cheating. To the best of my knowledge, no one was punished but the loophole was closed.

IMO, using D1 scouting for your D3 team is a loophole and it is cheating. My assumption, and to be fair, that's what it is even though it LOOKS REALLY SUSPICIOUS, 0nly used a loophole to benefit his D3 school. If he did cheat, he should lose the team that benefited. And WifS should close this loophole forever.

Which, truth be told, sucks. If a guy wants 13 teams, and we know HD needs that guy to have 13 teams, he should have 13 teams. It's probably way too much work to prevent a single user from having a known alias and preventing both of them from scouting the same state/same level but that's what should be done to accommodate Mr.13teams and prevent cheating.
If no one was punished, then how was it cheating? If it was such an egregious act, surely punishments would have been appropriate, no? Might it have been morally wrong? Maybe, but being morally wrong doesn't necessarily equate to cheating, does it?
You cheat on your wife. You never get caught. No punishment, no consequences. Did you cheat, Einstein?
Amazing that you could equate exploiting a loophole on an internet baseball game (in your original comment) to committing adultery. Exaggerate much Einstein?
Nah. You said "no was punished, then how was it cheating?"

Is punishment required for cheating to have occurred? Simple question.
4/3/2017 10:46 PM
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 2:59:00 PM (view original):
The evidence is circumstantial. If I was going to cheat, that's how I'd do it. But the timing, 1st/2nd day of recruiting, makes it look REALLY suspicious. And he never answered if he scouted Canada with his D1 team. If nothing else, he could have answered that one. If he did scout Canada with D1, well, there's a problem.

Liars and cheats are sneaky bastards. Coming out and saying "He's talking about me but I didn't cheat" doesn't prove anything. Someone was going to figure it out and tell everyone. Stepping forward could have just been a pre-emptive strike. Take nothing from it.
And coming out and saying "That looks fishy so I know he MUST have cheated" doesn't prove anything either Johnnie Cochran. Again, maybe he did, maybe he didn't but you're the one making the accusation so prove it. Just because you THINK something happened doesn't mean that it DID happen. You're related to Etta, aren't you?
Point of order, Johnnie Cochran was best known as a defense attorney, so technically you or Benis should probably own that reference.
4/3/2017 11:16 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 10:44:00 PM (view original):
Yeah, I'm not reading all that because someone sent me some "interesting" info.

Seems my boy emy has some aliases. emy1013, dcy0827, and angmar

Seems he's used them for some "suspicious" activity. Like taking teams for 1 season, teams with 6 openings, near schools his other aliases coach. Seems my mystery informant thinks he did that to scout for his other schools. I haven't verified any of this but, emy, is it true? Not the scouting part, I'm sure you'll say that didn't happen, but the alias taking schools near your other username's schools?

Is this a thing?
Yep, those are all my ID's (one is my son's), I've never made any secret of that. Cleared that through CS many years ago, even before the "1000 mile" rule was even in effect.

As far as the "accusations", people can believe whatever they want to believe, this is the internet remember. Your mystery informant, who is npb7768 (no need to hide that) has his own little theory about what he thinks he knows. He's not right but if it makes him feel any better I'll let him go on thinking whatever he wants to think. Hell, he can think any ID being used in the game is mine for all I care. See that's the big difference between me, you, and your "mystery informant" Npb. I wait until I have proof, I don't operate on "assumptions", "maybes", "probablys", or "hunches". And by the way, since you're very obviously reading this thread Npb, I have to say that it is extremely weak, gutless, and nutless to try to hide in the shadows and have someone else do your extremely misguided "dirty work".

If it REALLY makes you and your boy Npb feel better, I'll go on and admit right here that I've used every cheat code, loophole, and unethical move in the book to win every single game I've EVER won in HD. How's that, feel better now? What else would you two intellectual giants like me to admit to? hacking the opposing coaches ID's and changing their game plans against my team? Absolutely. You mean people, don't do that? Hell, I'll tell you that I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll if it'll help you sleep at night.

You've made several comments in different threads about what a new user just visiting the forums would think about the community here Mikey. You might want to take a good, long, hard look into the mirror because your toxicity in the forums (well, both you and Dud's) is the very FIRST thing I noticed after I returned to use up my remaining credits. Both of you do more to turn new users away with the garbage and smartass comments you post than the rest of the community (minus Only) combined. You talk about all the negativity turning potential coaches away and then turn into a straight hypocrite as you post your next negative comment, and your next, and next, and next.
4/4/2017 12:28 AM (edited)
Posted by shoe3 on 4/3/2017 11:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 2:59:00 PM (view original):
The evidence is circumstantial. If I was going to cheat, that's how I'd do it. But the timing, 1st/2nd day of recruiting, makes it look REALLY suspicious. And he never answered if he scouted Canada with his D1 team. If nothing else, he could have answered that one. If he did scout Canada with D1, well, there's a problem.

Liars and cheats are sneaky bastards. Coming out and saying "He's talking about me but I didn't cheat" doesn't prove anything. Someone was going to figure it out and tell everyone. Stepping forward could have just been a pre-emptive strike. Take nothing from it.
And coming out and saying "That looks fishy so I know he MUST have cheated" doesn't prove anything either Johnnie Cochran. Again, maybe he did, maybe he didn't but you're the one making the accusation so prove it. Just because you THINK something happened doesn't mean that it DID happen. You're related to Etta, aren't you?
Point of order, Johnnie Cochran was best known as a defense attorney, so technically you or Benis should probably own that reference.
Point taken. He reminds me more of a Marcia Clark type anyway.
4/3/2017 11:36 PM
You gotta shorten it up.

No idea who it is who really told me. Signed up today so I'm sure he's just an alias.

So, if there's no punishment, no breaking of FPG, there's no cheating? Just want to be clear on the subject from your perspective.
4/3/2017 11:37 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 11:37:00 PM (view original):
You gotta shorten it up.

No idea who it is who really told me. Signed up today so I'm sure he's just an alias.

So, if there's no punishment, no breaking of FPG, there's no cheating? Just want to be clear on the subject from your perspective.
You can try to hide Npb's identity all you like, but it's obvious that it's him. I still have his sitemail that uses almost the exact same phrasing as your new "anonymous" source. I'll admit to playing the hypocrite in this instance but to paraphrase you "If it walks, like a duck, blah, blah, blah".

Are the Fairplay Guidelines not the rules? Just want your perspective on that first. Because if you agree that the Fairplay Guidelines ARE the rules and there is no breaking of those Guidelines, then no there is no cheating per se.

If there is something in this game that is not working as Wis intended, then that is on THEM to fix that issue/bug/loophole/whatever term you want to call it. I have no issue with users testing the limits of the system that Wis put in place. Is it that the user is "cheating" or is it that he/she is simply "more creative" and "thinking farther outside the box" than another coach? Personal perspective I suppose but in my time as a supervisor, I both appreciated and applauded my workers who tried new things and didn't stick to the status quo.

You call it "cheating", I call it "experimenting". Semantics maybe. Potato/potatoe, tomato/tomatoe. To each their own.

I've said my piece, nothing more to add to this thread.
4/4/2017 12:13 AM (edited)
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 8:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 2:59:00 PM (view original):
The evidence is circumstantial. If I was going to cheat, that's how I'd do it. But the timing, 1st/2nd day of recruiting, makes it look REALLY suspicious. And he never answered if he scouted Canada with his D1 team. If nothing else, he could have answered that one. If he did scout Canada with D1, well, there's a problem.

Liars and cheats are sneaky bastards. Coming out and saying "He's talking about me but I didn't cheat" doesn't prove anything. Someone was going to figure it out and tell everyone. Stepping forward could have just been a pre-emptive strike. Take nothing from it.
And coming out and saying "That looks fishy so I know he MUST have cheated" doesn't prove anything either Johnnie Cochran. Again, maybe he did, maybe he didn't but you're the one making the accusation so prove it. Just because you THINK something happened doesn't mean that it DID happen. You're related to Etta, aren't you?
It's the internet. You PROVE it, dippy.

Are you some HD legend?
Yes, emy is a bona fide HD legend. One of the best.
4/4/2017 12:06 AM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 4/4/2017 12:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 8:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 4/3/2017 5:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 2:59:00 PM (view original):
The evidence is circumstantial. If I was going to cheat, that's how I'd do it. But the timing, 1st/2nd day of recruiting, makes it look REALLY suspicious. And he never answered if he scouted Canada with his D1 team. If nothing else, he could have answered that one. If he did scout Canada with D1, well, there's a problem.

Liars and cheats are sneaky bastards. Coming out and saying "He's talking about me but I didn't cheat" doesn't prove anything. Someone was going to figure it out and tell everyone. Stepping forward could have just been a pre-emptive strike. Take nothing from it.
And coming out and saying "That looks fishy so I know he MUST have cheated" doesn't prove anything either Johnnie Cochran. Again, maybe he did, maybe he didn't but you're the one making the accusation so prove it. Just because you THINK something happened doesn't mean that it DID happen. You're related to Etta, aren't you?
It's the internet. You PROVE it, dippy.

Are you some HD legend?
Yes, emy is a bona fide HD legend. One of the best.
I don't know that I'd go that far but thank you anyway GoMiami.
4/4/2017 12:13 AM
Posted by emy1013 on 4/4/2017 12:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 4/3/2017 11:37:00 PM (view original):
You gotta shorten it up.

No idea who it is who really told me. Signed up today so I'm sure he's just an alias.

So, if there's no punishment, no breaking of FPG, there's no cheating? Just want to be clear on the subject from your perspective.
You can try to hide Npb's identity all you like, but it's obvious that it's him. I still have his sitemail that uses almost the exact same phrasing as your new "anonymous" source. I'll admit to playing the hypocrite in this instance but to paraphrase you "If it walks, like a duck, blah, blah, blah".

Are the Fairplay Guidelines not the rules? Just want your perspective on that first. Because if you agree that the Fairplay Guidelines ARE the rules and there is no breaking of those Guidelines, then no there is no cheating per se.

If there is something in this game that is not working as Wis intended, then that is on THEM to fix that issue/bug/loophole/whatever term you want to call it. I have no issue with users testing the limits of the system that Wis put in place. Is it that the user is "cheating" or is it that he/she is simply "more creative" and "thinking farther outside the box" than another coach? Personal perspective I suppose but in my time as a supervisor, I both appreciated and applauded my workers who tried new things and didn't stick to the status quo.

You call it "cheating", I call it "experimenting". Semantics maybe. Potato/potatoe, tomato/tomatoe. To each their own.

I've said my piece, nothing more to add to this thread.
I get that mindset and agree that exploiting a loophole or pushing the boundaries isn't cheating if no rules are broken. It's definitely on WIS to clarify the rules and then enforce them.

A few pages back there was discussion about whether the behavior at issue violates the fair play guidelines as written. As a lawyer I could definitely argue it either way, but I find the "rules were broken" argument more compelling. Sharing scouting information between two teams controlled by one person is essentially the same as sharing info between two different people. The fact that this "experimental" strategy requires two different accounts only strengthens that argument.
4/4/2017 12:32 AM
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