Round 1 - 140M Analysis Topic

Sorry for the delay... Here are the selections from the 140M league (results thru 125 games)

9/22/2017 10:14 PM
Sorted by owner...
Owner League Category Sim Win%
------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------------
ballantine 6-B Triples 0.552
bardin 6-D Homeruns 0.512
barracuda3 6-B Doubles 0.480
batandball 6-B Triples 0.528
beauchamp 6-A Doubles 0.512
bighooze 6-A Homeruns 0.496
bigmc 6-A Triples 0.592
brianjw 6-C Doubles 0.568
brickster44 6-B Doubles 0.408
brucel 6-D Doubles 0.512
buddhagamer 6-B Doubles 0.616
BullMoose 6-B Triples 0.600
calhoop 6-B Homeruns 0.488
charliembg 6-D Doubles 0.504
Chisock 6-A Doubles 0.464
crystalao 6-C Triples 0.592
cstrohmier 6-D Doubles 0.552
cubbies84 6-C Doubles 0.488
d_rock97 6-C Doubles 0.592
daddyzander 6-C Triples 0.496
DarthDurron 6-D Doubles 0.504
darthmetool 6-A Triples 0.432
discodemo 6-D Triples 0.560
dlchow 6-C Doubles 0.456
doctorcc 6-D Homeruns 0.544
DoctorKz 6-A Doubles 0.512
dodgebob 6-A Triples 0.488
dougpalm 6-C Doubles 0.608
ejstockman 6-A Triples 0.512
fatboydad54 6-A Triples 0.456
firesalt 6-A Doubles 0.480
fooolishfool 6-C Triples 0.520
frank_drebin 6-A Triples 0.552
Fusion27s 6-A Triples 0.624
garmansouth 6-C Doubles 0.448
gigrant 6-C Triples 0.416
glowguy 6-B Homeruns 0.576
greenies 6-D Triples 0.528
hacker7 6-B Triples 0.536
happyhours 6-D Triples 0.480
hersheybear 6-A Doubles 0.448
Humdogs 6-A Doubles 0.440
hurst47 6-C Triples 0.320
jbohrman 6-A Doubles 0.552
Jdh34 6-D Triples 0.552
jetscanes 6-C Doubles 0.464
jfranco77 6-D Doubles 0.440
jjgreen14 6-D Doubles 0.544
jmissirlis 6-C Doubles 0.584
Jtpsops 6-C Triples 0.592
justinlee_24 6-A Homeruns 0.464
knieman 6-D Doubles 0.400
KOTH 6-B Homeruns 0.552
kyleb63 6-C Doubles 0.456
Lazerhawks 6-C Doubles 0.480
ledfoot 6-D Triples 0.512
magicdreamer 6-C Doubles 0.552
markeking 6-C Doubles 0.520
mick33 6-D Doubles 0.504
midknight 6-A Doubles 0.520
mildnhazy 6-B Triples 0.504
mllama54 6-B Triples 0.576
moose821 6-B Homeruns 0.392
mpitt76 6-C Doubles 0.432
NebHusker 6-D Doubles 0.488
newarkwilder 6-D Doubles 0.376
nordawg 6-B Doubles 0.400
npg32433 6-A Triples 0.504
ozomatli 6-A Doubles 0.536
paulives 6-D Doubles 0.520
pedrocerrano 6-A Triples 0.520
rbow923 6-C Doubles 0.632
redcped 6-B Doubles 0.512
redwingscup 6-A Doubles 0.528
Relkcirts 6-D Triples 0.536
rickysdad44 6-D Doubles 0.560
rmdriskill 6-D Triples 0.568
rufus4ever 6-B Homeruns 0.360
schwarze 6-B Doubles 0.624
scottharra 6-C Doubles 0.424
sford 6-B Triples 0.520
sjh0825 6-C Doubles 0.520
slightner 6-D Doubles 0.304
sohio4ever 6-D Doubles 0.408
spikeboots 6-C Triples 0.472
spoonfed 6-C Homeruns 0.368
thebubbaq 6-B Triples 0.456
thehuseman 6-B Doubles 0.408
thejuice6 6-B Triples 0.480
tigerrott 6-B Doubles 0.480
toddcommish 6-D Doubles 0.592
trd3 6-A Doubles 0.440
tridentric 6-B Doubles 0.352
wink0094 6-A Doubles 0.424
XJchessman 6-A Triples 0.504
zlionsfan 6-B Triples 0.600
9/22/2017 10:14 PM
Sorted by winning%
Owner League Category Sim Win%
------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------------
rbow923 6-C Doubles 0.632
Fusion27s 6-A Triples 0.624
schwarze 6-B Doubles 0.624
buddhagamer 6-B Doubles 0.616
dougpalm 6-C Doubles 0.608
BullMoose 6-B Triples 0.600
zlionsfan 6-B Triples 0.600
bigmc 6-A Triples 0.592
crystalao 6-C Triples 0.592
d_rock97 6-C Doubles 0.592
Jtpsops 6-C Triples 0.592
toddcommish 6-D Doubles 0.592
jmissirlis 6-C Doubles 0.584
glowguy 6-B Homeruns 0.576
mllama54 6-B Triples 0.576
brianjw 6-C Doubles 0.568
rmdriskill 6-D Triples 0.568
discodemo 6-D Triples 0.560
rickysdad44 6-D Doubles 0.560
ballantine 6-B Triples 0.552
cstrohmier 6-D Doubles 0.552
frank_drebin 6-A Triples 0.552
jbohrman 6-A Doubles 0.552
Jdh34 6-D Triples 0.552
KOTH 6-B Homeruns 0.552
magicdreamer 6-C Doubles 0.552
doctorcc 6-D Homeruns 0.544
jjgreen14 6-D Doubles 0.544
hacker7 6-B Triples 0.536
ozomatli 6-A Doubles 0.536
Relkcirts 6-D Triples 0.536
batandball 6-B Triples 0.528
greenies 6-D Triples 0.528
redwingscup 6-A Doubles 0.528
fooolishfool 6-C Triples 0.520
markeking 6-C Doubles 0.520
midknight 6-A Doubles 0.520
paulives 6-D Doubles 0.520
pedrocerrano 6-A Triples 0.520
sford 6-B Triples 0.520
sjh0825 6-C Doubles 0.520
bardin 6-D Homeruns 0.512
beauchamp 6-A Doubles 0.512
brucel 6-D Doubles 0.512
DoctorKz 6-A Doubles 0.512
ejstockman 6-A Triples 0.512
ledfoot 6-D Triples 0.512
redcped 6-B Doubles 0.512
charliembg 6-D Doubles 0.504
DarthDurron 6-D Doubles 0.504
mick33 6-D Doubles 0.504
mildnhazy 6-B Triples 0.504
npg32433 6-A Triples 0.504
XJchessman 6-A Triples 0.504
bighooze 6-A Homeruns 0.496
daddyzander 6-C Triples 0.496
calhoop 6-B Homeruns 0.488
cubbies84 6-C Doubles 0.488
dodgebob 6-A Triples 0.488
NebHusker 6-D Doubles 0.488
barracuda3 6-B Doubles 0.480
firesalt 6-A Doubles 0.480
happyhours 6-D Triples 0.480
Lazerhawks 6-C Doubles 0.480
thejuice6 6-B Triples 0.480
tigerrott 6-B Doubles 0.480
spikeboots 6-C Triples 0.472
Chisock 6-A Doubles 0.464
jetscanes 6-C Doubles 0.464
justinlee_24 6-A Homeruns 0.464
dlchow 6-C Doubles 0.456
fatboydad54 6-A Triples 0.456
kyleb63 6-C Doubles 0.456
thebubbaq 6-B Triples 0.456
garmansouth 6-C Doubles 0.448
hersheybear 6-A Doubles 0.448
Humdogs 6-A Doubles 0.440
jfranco77 6-D Doubles 0.440
trd3 6-A Doubles 0.440
darthmetool 6-A Triples 0.432
mpitt76 6-C Doubles 0.432
scottharra 6-C Doubles 0.424
wink0094 6-A Doubles 0.424
gigrant 6-C Triples 0.416
brickster44 6-B Doubles 0.408
sohio4ever 6-D Doubles 0.408
thehuseman 6-B Doubles 0.408
knieman 6-D Doubles 0.400
nordawg 6-B Doubles 0.400
moose821 6-B Homeruns 0.392
newarkwilder 6-D Doubles 0.376
spoonfed 6-C Homeruns 0.368
rufus4ever 6-B Homeruns 0.360
tridentric 6-B Doubles 0.352
hurst47 6-C Triples 0.320
slightner 6-D Doubles 0.304
9/22/2017 10:15 PM
Sorted by category, then by winning%
Owner League Category Sim Win%
------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------------
rbow923 6-C Doubles 0.632
schwarze 6-B Doubles 0.624
buddhagamer 6-B Doubles 0.616
dougpalm 6-C Doubles 0.608
d_rock97 6-C Doubles 0.592
toddcommish 6-D Doubles 0.592
jmissirlis 6-C Doubles 0.584
brianjw 6-C Doubles 0.568
rickysdad44 6-D Doubles 0.560
jbohrman 6-A Doubles 0.552
magicdreamer 6-C Doubles 0.552
cstrohmier 6-D Doubles 0.552
jjgreen14 6-D Doubles 0.544
ozomatli 6-A Doubles 0.536
redwingscup 6-A Doubles 0.528
midknight 6-A Doubles 0.520
markeking 6-C Doubles 0.520
sjh0825 6-C Doubles 0.520
paulives 6-D Doubles 0.520
beauchamp 6-A Doubles 0.512
DoctorKz 6-A Doubles 0.512
redcped 6-B Doubles 0.512
brucel 6-D Doubles 0.512
charliembg 6-D Doubles 0.504
DarthDurron 6-D Doubles 0.504
mick33 6-D Doubles 0.504
cubbies84 6-C Doubles 0.488
NebHusker 6-D Doubles 0.488
firesalt 6-A Doubles 0.480
barracuda3 6-B Doubles 0.480
tigerrott 6-B Doubles 0.480
Lazerhawks 6-C Doubles 0.480
Chisock 6-A Doubles 0.464
jetscanes 6-C Doubles 0.464
dlchow 6-C Doubles 0.456
kyleb63 6-C Doubles 0.456
hersheybear 6-A Doubles 0.448
garmansouth 6-C Doubles 0.448
Humdogs 6-A Doubles 0.440
trd3 6-A Doubles 0.440
jfranco77 6-D Doubles 0.440
mpitt76 6-C Doubles 0.432
wink0094 6-A Doubles 0.424
scottharra 6-C Doubles 0.424
brickster44 6-B Doubles 0.408
thehuseman 6-B Doubles 0.408
sohio4ever 6-D Doubles 0.408
nordawg 6-B Doubles 0.400
knieman 6-D Doubles 0.400
newarkwilder 6-D Doubles 0.376
tridentric 6-B Doubles 0.352
slightner 6-D Doubles 0.304
glowguy 6-B Homeruns 0.576
KOTH 6-B Homeruns 0.552
doctorcc 6-D Homeruns 0.544
bardin 6-D Homeruns 0.512
bighooze 6-A Homeruns 0.496
calhoop 6-B Homeruns 0.488
justinlee_24 6-A Homeruns 0.464
moose821 6-B Homeruns 0.392
spoonfed 6-C Homeruns 0.368
rufus4ever 6-B Homeruns 0.360
Fusion27s 6-A Triples 0.624
BullMoose 6-B Triples 0.600
zlionsfan 6-B Triples 0.600
bigmc 6-A Triples 0.592
crystalao 6-C Triples 0.592
Jtpsops 6-C Triples 0.592
mllama54 6-B Triples 0.576
rmdriskill 6-D Triples 0.568
discodemo 6-D Triples 0.560
frank_drebin 6-A Triples 0.552
ballantine 6-B Triples 0.552
Jdh34 6-D Triples 0.552
hacker7 6-B Triples 0.536
Relkcirts 6-D Triples 0.536
batandball 6-B Triples 0.528
greenies 6-D Triples 0.528
pedrocerrano 6-A Triples 0.520
sford 6-B Triples 0.520
fooolishfool 6-C Triples 0.520
ejstockman 6-A Triples 0.512
ledfoot 6-D Triples 0.512
npg32433 6-A Triples 0.504
XJchessman 6-A Triples 0.504
mildnhazy 6-B Triples 0.504
daddyzander 6-C Triples 0.496
dodgebob 6-A Triples 0.488
thejuice6 6-B Triples 0.480
happyhours 6-D Triples 0.480
spikeboots 6-C Triples 0.472
fatboydad54 6-A Triples 0.456
thebubbaq 6-B Triples 0.456
darthmetool 6-A Triples 0.432
gigrant 6-C Triples 0.416
hurst47 6-C Triples 0.320
9/22/2017 10:25 PM
Count 6-A 6-B 6-C 6-D Total
------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Doubles 12 9 16 15 52
Triples 10 10 7 7 34
Homeruns 2 5 1 2 10
Avg Win% 6-A 6-B 6-C 6-D Total
------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Doubles 0.488 0.476 0.514 0.481 0.492
Triples 0.518 0.535 0.487 0.534 0.520
Homeruns 0.480 0.474 0.368 0.528 0.475
9/22/2017 10:26 PM
Salary distribution...
Owner Hitting Pitching Sim Win% Category
------------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------- --------------
slightner 59.8% 40.2% 0.304 Doubles
Chisock 59.7% 40.3% 0.464 Doubles
calhoop 58.8% 41.2% 0.488 Homeruns
sford 58.4% 41.6% 0.520 Triples
thebubbaq 58.3% 41.7% 0.456 Triples
npg32433 58.1% 41.9% 0.504 Triples
kyleb63 58.1% 41.9% 0.456 Doubles
scottharra 57.7% 42.3% 0.424 Doubles
jetscanes 56.9% 43.1% 0.464 Doubles
Relkcirts 56.8% 43.2% 0.536 Triples
dlchow 56.6% 43.4% 0.456 Doubles
moose821 56.5% 43.5% 0.392 Homeruns
glowguy 56.3% 43.7% 0.576 Homeruns
sohio4ever 55.7% 44.3% 0.408 Doubles
Jdh34 54.8% 45.2% 0.552 Triples
XJchessman 54.8% 45.2% 0.504 Triples
rbow923 54.5% 45.5% 0.632 Doubles
firesalt 54.5% 45.5% 0.480 Doubles
BullMoose 54.3% 45.7% 0.600 Triples
thehuseman 54.2% 45.8% 0.408 Doubles
schwarze 54.2% 45.8% 0.624 Doubles
mllama54 54.0% 46.0% 0.576 Triples
hurst47 53.9% 46.1% 0.320 Triples
fooolishfool 53.8% 46.2% 0.520 Triples
wink0094 53.7% 46.3% 0.424 Doubles
nordawg 53.7% 46.3% 0.400 Doubles
justinlee_24 53.3% 46.7% 0.464 Homeruns
Lazerhawks 53.1% 46.9% 0.480 Doubles
garmansouth 52.9% 47.1% 0.448 Doubles
buddhagamer 52.9% 47.1% 0.616 Doubles
pedrocerrano 52.8% 47.2% 0.520 Triples
newarkwilder 52.8% 47.2% 0.376 Doubles
crystalao 52.7% 47.3% 0.592 Triples
happyhours 52.4% 47.6% 0.480 Triples
Fusion27s 52.4% 47.6% 0.624 Triples
trd3 52.3% 47.7% 0.440 Doubles
thejuice6 52.2% 47.8% 0.480 Triples
d_rock97 52.2% 47.8% 0.592 Doubles
sjh0825 52.2% 47.8% 0.520 Doubles
ejstockman 52.1% 47.9% 0.512 Triples
NebHusker 52.1% 47.9% 0.488 Doubles
charliembg 52.0% 48.0% 0.504 Doubles
paulives 51.9% 48.1% 0.520 Doubles
daddyzander 51.9% 48.1% 0.496 Triples
midknight 51.8% 48.2% 0.520 Doubles
discodemo 51.7% 48.3% 0.560 Triples
Average 51.6% 48.4% 0.500
DoctorKz 51.3% 48.7% 0.512 Doubles
ballantine 51.3% 48.7% 0.552 Triples
zlionsfan 51.1% 48.9% 0.600 Triples
ozomatli 51.0% 49.0% 0.536 Doubles
hersheybear 50.9% 49.1% 0.448 Doubles
dodgebob 50.9% 49.1% 0.488 Triples
jfranco77 50.8% 49.2% 0.440 Doubles
toddcommish 50.8% 49.2% 0.592 Doubles
mildnhazy 50.6% 49.4% 0.504 Triples
dougpalm 50.6% 49.4% 0.608 Doubles
rufus4ever 50.6% 49.4% 0.360 Homeruns
mpitt76 50.3% 49.7% 0.432 Doubles
cubbies84 50.3% 49.7% 0.488 Doubles
brucel 50.2% 49.8% 0.512 Doubles
ledfoot 50.2% 49.8% 0.512 Triples
bighooze 50.1% 49.9% 0.496 Homeruns
DarthDurron 50.1% 49.9% 0.504 Doubles
redcped 50.0% 50.0% 0.512 Doubles
darthmetool 50.0% 50.0% 0.432 Triples
Jtpsops 49.6% 50.4% 0.592 Triples
cstrohmier 49.6% 50.4% 0.552 Doubles
magicdreamer 49.6% 50.4% 0.552 Doubles
beauchamp 49.5% 50.5% 0.512 Doubles
jmissirlis 49.5% 50.5% 0.584 Doubles
doctorcc 49.5% 50.5% 0.544 Homeruns
jbohrman 49.5% 50.5% 0.552 Doubles
jjgreen14 49.4% 50.6% 0.544 Doubles
rmdriskill 49.3% 50.7% 0.568 Triples
markeking 49.3% 50.7% 0.520 Doubles
spoonfed 49.0% 51.0% 0.368 Homeruns
tigerrott 48.8% 51.2% 0.480 Doubles
knieman 48.8% 51.2% 0.400 Doubles
batandball 48.8% 51.2% 0.528 Triples
frank_drebin 48.8% 51.2% 0.552 Triples
barracuda3 48.7% 51.3% 0.480 Doubles
Humdogs 48.7% 51.3% 0.440 Doubles
mick33 48.7% 51.3% 0.504 Doubles
bardin 48.2% 51.8% 0.512 Homeruns
rickysdad44 48.0% 52.0% 0.560 Doubles
fatboydad54 47.9% 52.1% 0.456 Triples
redwingscup 47.9% 52.1% 0.528 Doubles
tridentric 47.9% 52.1% 0.352 Doubles
spikeboots 47.5% 52.5% 0.472 Triples
brianjw 46.7% 53.3% 0.568 Doubles
hacker7 46.6% 53.4% 0.536 Triples
KOTH 45.4% 54.6% 0.552 Homeruns
gigrant 44.6% 55.4% 0.416 Triples
greenies 44.4% 55.6% 0.528 Triples
bigmc 43.8% 56.2% 0.592 Triples
brickster44 43.2% 56.8% 0.408 Doubles
9/22/2017 10:39 PM
The salary split by category didn't vary much...
Count Hitting Pitching
------------------------- --------------- ---------------
Doubles 51.6% 48.4%
Triples 51.5% 48.5%
Homeruns 51.8% 48.2%
9/22/2017 10:43 PM
It'd be interesting to see if there are any anomalies in terms of how each team ranked in their chosen stat. In my league, all the triples teams are at the top in triples, and no triples or homer team is above any doubles team in doubles. The lone homer team is second to a doubles team in homers.

Any outliers across the leagues?
9/30/2017 2:09 PM
The top 3 doubles teams in my league (in terms of doubles) are 82-79, 77-84, and 81-80.
10/4/2017 3:35 PM
Playoff teams in my league:
- 4 clinched triples
- 3 clinched doubles
- 1 up for grabs between doubles and triples
10/4/2017 3:37 PM
5 doubles teams and 1 triples team have divisions clinched in my league.

Triples have one WC clinched and the other WC is currently a tie between triples and doubles.
10/4/2017 3:42 PM
I won my division (by one game, thanks to a late swoon) with a HR team. Is it the only HR team still alive?
10/5/2017 2:43 PM
no - a homer team won my division - so there are at least 2.
10/5/2017 3:59 PM
In my league, the AL saw four Triples teams make the playoffs. In the NL, two doubles teams and two HR teams.
10/6/2017 11:43 AM
Round 1 - 140M Analysis Topic

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