Lost 4 flips in a row while up 70-30. Topic

No, Im just just being lazy....
I should have put 45%
8/16/2018 3:42 PM
Posted by mullycj on 8/16/2018 3:42:00 PM (view original):
No, Im just just being lazy....
I should have put 45%
Ok, but someone with 45% of the effort credit of the leader is still at moderate (or lower).
8/16/2018 3:44 PM
Posted by topdogggbm on 8/15/2018 9:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/15/2018 9:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 8/15/2018 9:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/15/2018 12:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by hulnder on 8/15/2018 12:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 8/15/2018 4:23:00 AM (view original):
I have question that could have an impact on these rolls...

preferences... are they factored in to the percentages? Or are they factored in at the decision time?

Team A puts in 1000 points worth of effort and has all very bad preferences

Team B puts in 500 points worth of effort and has all very good preferences

is that a 67/33 split (1000/500) and THEN the recruit makes a decision, factoring in the preferences after the fact?

or is that more like a 60/40 or 55/45 possibility? Because the preferences are factored in from the beginning, and give somewhat of an overall boost to Team B because of the preference advantage, and then the decision is made by the recruit?
The bigger question is why would a kid even consider a school if all his preferences are bad? No matter who many attention points you dump on him, he shouldn't even be considering you IMO.
Let's say your preferences are

- wants rebuild
- perimeter offense
- motion offense
- press defense

Coach Cal and Kentucky come calling while running a LP focused offense in Flex/M2M, are you going to turn them down to go play at Maine Presque Island because their preferences match?
To me.... this answer is yes honestly.

I think the "rebuild" preference is goofy somewhat. But if I want to play for a rebuild, I don't wanna go to UK. Specifically. Because I want to play for a turd apparently. If I wanted to go to UK and play for a title, and a dominant historical team, my preference would say that I want success.

But I don't wanna play for a successful team. I'd prefer to play for Toilet Bowl U.

But I don't think "rebuild" should be a preference we see more that 10 out of 1000 recruits. Because that's not a realistic thing that kids want very often.
They're called preferences for a reason. It's not a requirement.
That's fair. But I just think if rebuild was a person's preference, that says a lot about the mindset or the intentions of a recruit. If he prefers to play for a school that's rebuilding (in comparison to just flat out being open to anything), he doesn't want to play for a winner.

At least that's the way i interpret it. Reading between the lines. If he was open to playing for a winner, there would be no preference.

But this is all based on mindset. Not actually the way this game is played
Its just one preference amongst many that a person may have. But its a soft point not a firm restriction.

Lets say I ask you what you want for dinner and you say you're in the mood for Mexican and taco bell sounds good. Then a friend calls you and says he will take you to Jeff Ruby Steakhouse and its his treat.

Most sane people will choose the $80 free steak dinner over Taco Bell even though TBell was your initial preference.

If you're vegan then you will turn down the steak outright. Because thats a hard point restriction, not just a preference.
8/16/2018 3:47 PM
Posted by Benis on 8/16/2018 2:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by johnsensing on 8/16/2018 8:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 8/15/2018 8:40:00 AM (view original):
0,81% chances of that happening. I find it dumb Arfy, against these rolls, make battles be vh-vh, hide %
Don't care about showing %, but strongly agree that battles should only be VH/VH. The current method is just dumb.
Do 60-40 as VH v H

Then 55-45 (or closer) as VH v VH

Exactly. But you could beef up effect of preferences to help lower prestige teams, if that is something people care about (although in my opinion, prestige has been nuked enough). I've lost three battles today where I've had the preference and percentage advantages -- I've had enough. It's been 12 years, but when my credits are gone, I'm gone. That WIS still is not fixing the flaws in the recruiting system (or perhaps worse, doesn't think they are flaws) is unconscionable.
8/16/2018 7:36 PM
Posted by Benis on 8/16/2018 3:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 8/15/2018 9:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/15/2018 9:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 8/15/2018 9:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/15/2018 12:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by hulnder on 8/15/2018 12:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 8/15/2018 4:23:00 AM (view original):
I have question that could have an impact on these rolls...

preferences... are they factored in to the percentages? Or are they factored in at the decision time?

Team A puts in 1000 points worth of effort and has all very bad preferences

Team B puts in 500 points worth of effort and has all very good preferences

is that a 67/33 split (1000/500) and THEN the recruit makes a decision, factoring in the preferences after the fact?

or is that more like a 60/40 or 55/45 possibility? Because the preferences are factored in from the beginning, and give somewhat of an overall boost to Team B because of the preference advantage, and then the decision is made by the recruit?
The bigger question is why would a kid even consider a school if all his preferences are bad? No matter who many attention points you dump on him, he shouldn't even be considering you IMO.
Let's say your preferences are

- wants rebuild
- perimeter offense
- motion offense
- press defense

Coach Cal and Kentucky come calling while running a LP focused offense in Flex/M2M, are you going to turn them down to go play at Maine Presque Island because their preferences match?
To me.... this answer is yes honestly.

I think the "rebuild" preference is goofy somewhat. But if I want to play for a rebuild, I don't wanna go to UK. Specifically. Because I want to play for a turd apparently. If I wanted to go to UK and play for a title, and a dominant historical team, my preference would say that I want success.

But I don't wanna play for a successful team. I'd prefer to play for Toilet Bowl U.

But I don't think "rebuild" should be a preference we see more that 10 out of 1000 recruits. Because that's not a realistic thing that kids want very often.
They're called preferences for a reason. It's not a requirement.
That's fair. But I just think if rebuild was a person's preference, that says a lot about the mindset or the intentions of a recruit. If he prefers to play for a school that's rebuilding (in comparison to just flat out being open to anything), he doesn't want to play for a winner.

At least that's the way i interpret it. Reading between the lines. If he was open to playing for a winner, there would be no preference.

But this is all based on mindset. Not actually the way this game is played
Its just one preference amongst many that a person may have. But its a soft point not a firm restriction.

Lets say I ask you what you want for dinner and you say you're in the mood for Mexican and taco bell sounds good. Then a friend calls you and says he will take you to Jeff Ruby Steakhouse and its his treat.

Most sane people will choose the $80 free steak dinner over Taco Bell even though TBell was your initial preference.

If you're vegan then you will turn down the steak outright. Because thats a hard point restriction, not just a preference.
I guess it depends who you are.... if I say I want mexican and I want taco bell, that's what I want. I'm fully aware that steak is out there. And it's an option to begin with. I wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that steak exists on earth. I just didn't want it.

Whether my friend buys, or I buy, is irrelevant. If I want Mexican, I don't want it ONLY if steak isn't available. If I want rebuild, I don't want it ONLY if success isn't available. I had all those choices to begin with.

but that's just me!
8/16/2018 9:24 PM
I also enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing. The options are always here for that!!!

So where are you taking me to eat anyways? I'm hungry now
8/16/2018 9:27 PM
You'd pay for taco bell rather than get free premium steak?? Trust me, I LOVE taco bell, but if someone says I can get a free meal at the nicest restaurant in town, I'm doing it. Maybe I'm just a cheap ***.
8/16/2018 9:48 PM
Posted by johnsensing on 8/16/2018 7:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/16/2018 2:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by johnsensing on 8/16/2018 8:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 8/15/2018 8:40:00 AM (view original):
0,81% chances of that happening. I find it dumb Arfy, against these rolls, make battles be vh-vh, hide %
Don't care about showing %, but strongly agree that battles should only be VH/VH. The current method is just dumb.
Do 60-40 as VH v H

Then 55-45 (or closer) as VH v VH

Exactly. But you could beef up effect of preferences to help lower prestige teams, if that is something people care about (although in my opinion, prestige has been nuked enough). I've lost three battles today where I've had the preference and percentage advantages -- I've had enough. It's been 12 years, but when my credits are gone, I'm gone. That WIS still is not fixing the flaws in the recruiting system (or perhaps worse, doesn't think they are flaws) is unconscionable.
I’ll be sorry to see you go, but they’re not flaws. That’s the game design. Like it, or don’t; play it, or don’t. I doubt it’s going to change much, and as you know, I don’t think it should.
8/16/2018 10:11 PM
Posted by Benis on 8/16/2018 9:48:00 PM (view original):
You'd pay for taco bell rather than get free premium steak?? Trust me, I LOVE taco bell, but if someone says I can get a free meal at the nicest restaurant in town, I'm doing it. Maybe I'm just a cheap ***.
I'm with you on this statement. But what i'm saying is.... a friend buying or me buying is irrelevant to this topic.

All options are available at all times. But if I say I want taco bell, that's what I want. I know steak is available when all choices are available. I just want taco bell. I'll have steak at a later time in my life if I want that. Like when I choose my wife or something.

but if I want taco bell for my college of choice, that's what I want
8/17/2018 8:23 AM
Posted by topdogggbm on 8/17/2018 8:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/16/2018 9:48:00 PM (view original):
You'd pay for taco bell rather than get free premium steak?? Trust me, I LOVE taco bell, but if someone says I can get a free meal at the nicest restaurant in town, I'm doing it. Maybe I'm just a cheap ***.
I'm with you on this statement. But what i'm saying is.... a friend buying or me buying is irrelevant to this topic.

All options are available at all times. But if I say I want taco bell, that's what I want. I know steak is available when all choices are available. I just want taco bell. I'll have steak at a later time in my life if I want that. Like when I choose my wife or something.

but if I want taco bell for my college of choice, that's what I want
Hate to break it to you but your wife will choose you.
8/17/2018 8:35 AM
I haven't had Taco Bell in over 10 years...that makes me sad.
8/17/2018 9:33 AM
Posted by p6453 on 8/17/2018 9:33:00 AM (view original):
I haven't had Taco Bell in over 10 years...that makes me sad.
Probably makes your bowels happy.
8/17/2018 10:19 AM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 8/17/2018 8:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 8/17/2018 8:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/16/2018 9:48:00 PM (view original):
You'd pay for taco bell rather than get free premium steak?? Trust me, I LOVE taco bell, but if someone says I can get a free meal at the nicest restaurant in town, I'm doing it. Maybe I'm just a cheap ***.
I'm with you on this statement. But what i'm saying is.... a friend buying or me buying is irrelevant to this topic.

All options are available at all times. But if I say I want taco bell, that's what I want. I know steak is available when all choices are available. I just want taco bell. I'll have steak at a later time in my life if I want that. Like when I choose my wife or something.

but if I want taco bell for my college of choice, that's what I want
Hate to break it to you but your wife will choose you.
Haha now wonder I haven't been married!
8/17/2018 10:46 AM
Posted by Benis on 8/16/2018 7:11:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Trentonjoe on 8/16/2018 1:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by gdog13cavs on 8/15/2018 9:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by zorzii on 8/15/2018 8:40:00 AM (view original):
0,81% chances of that happening. I find it dumb Arfy, against these rolls, make battles be vh-vh, hide %
Has anyone tracked these percentages against results enough to see if they are actually accurate in predicting final results? I'm starting to doubt it.
Benis tried tonight but to gets Large enough sample it takes seasons.....
Here is what I did previously.

High wins in a VH-H battle approximately 28% of the time so yeah I think it's probably accurate in predicting final results.

The VH-VH-H result is weird but it's only 50 battles. Seems like it's big enough... but guess not.
Thanks. The VH-VH-H does appear to be rather out of sync, but the rest are close to what one would expect.
8/17/2018 4:44 PM
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