Record: 7-1 Conference: Northwest Coach: GeneParm Prestige: A+ RPI: 22 SOS: 48
Division III - Portland, OR
Homecourt: C-
Home: 3-0 Away: 4-1
AVG 561
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Henry Davis SG Lewis and Clark 173-177 134 3089 2273 359 372 8 125 1510 747 49.5 1282 612 47.7 71.7
2. Kenneth Huffman PG Lewis and Clark 166-169 126 3360 2029 223 585 0 173 1405 674 48.0 643 261 40.6 75.7
3. Carl Willis SG Lewis and Clark 157-160 123 2141 1794 96 156 2 79 1383 616 44.5 952 400 42.0 65.3
4. David Johnson PG Lewis and Clark 189-193 125 2730 1793 271 390 0 104 1221 603 49.4 533 239 44.8 75.0
5. Luther Gothard SG Lewis and Clark 177-180 129 2888 1775 151 296 4 119 1211 583 48.1 999 463 46.3 63.8
6. Nick Droegmiller SF Lewis and Clark 170-173 118 2561 1771 183 253 11 98 1222 609 49.8 750 364 48.5 68.7
7. Andrew Holleman PG Lewis and Clark 159-162 122 2610 1694 196 345 1 115 1267 571 45.1 881 373 42.3 73.1
8. James McKerchie SF Lewis and Clark 190-194 126 2821 1625 357 196 30 125 1093 562 51.4 82 29 35.4 74.3
9. Adam Sutton SG Lewis and Clark 173-176 131 3230 1608 427 482 24 142 1100 569 51.7 4 0 0.0 74.1
10. John Hill SG Lewis and Clark 163-166 123 2719 1577 304 257 7 97 1148 508 44.3 1022 438 42.9 75.0
11. Richard Peloquin SF Lewis and Clark 188-192 124 2787 1551 251 436 6 125 1120 510 45.5 642 260 40.5 75.1
12. George Dunavant PG Lewis and Clark 186-189 123 2538 1535 177 450 2 116 1048 487 46.5 718 314 43.7 79.4
13. Joseph Begay PG Lewis and Clark 34-37 109 3063 1518 103 371 3 140 1047 494 47.2 817 374 45.8 77.6
14. Ralph Gayle C Lewis and Clark 1-4 115 3073 1500 1063 77 242 73 1071 516 48.2 1 1 100.0 66.6
15. William Schaeffer SG Lewis and Clark 88-91 110 3032 1479 185 286 2 127 1076 490 45.5 696 296 42.5 72.5
16. Dan Byrd SG Lewis and Clark 181-184 130 2901 1477 150 210 1 136 1089 503 46.2 4 0 0.0 69.9
17. Kevin Lemmons PF Lewis and Clark 174-178 135 2924 1465 910 141 132 81 978 579 59.2 0 0 0.0 65.5
18. Julian Sigel SG Lewis and Clark 171-174 123 2159 1461 92 261 1 90 970 492 50.7 539 254 47.1 75.3
19. Robert Williams SG Lewis and Clark 155-158 121 2488 1454 165 278 4 83 1043 490 47.0 746 349 46.8 66.8
20. Willie O'Brien SG Lewis and Clark 177-181 124 1963 1434 162 194 7 75 974 482 49.5 793 376 47.4 63.9
21. Michael Kelly PG Lewis and Clark 169-173 123 2929 1429 276 562 3 123 972 462 47.5 129 40 31.0 83.3
22. Christopher Stone PG Lewis and Clark 72-75 114 3224 1428 140 524 5 181 1018 480 47.2 581 258 44.4 73.4
23. Kenneth Hunsucker PG Lewis and Clark 187-190 123 2360 1428 94 298 2 93 1039 468 45.0 754 321 42.6 77.7
24. David Dineen PF Lewis and Clark 31-34 109 2720 1425 629 29 114 61 1028 548 53.3 15 5 33.3 72.3
25. Robert Sells C Lewis and Clark 153-156 114 2863 1379 692 121 83 64 987 539 54.6 4 0 0.0 63.0
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%