Billy Cowan

Eligible Seasons: 1964-1971
Best Season: 1964

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Hitting Stats
1964 Chicago CubsOF13952049752120164195012312818153.23.6$3.06M
1965 New York MetsOF82162156162882393245419.31.8$615K
1967 Philadelphia PhilliesOF34665911900361014403.82.0$206K
1969 California AngelsOF2860561017104100093110.36.7$443K
1970 California AngelsOF68146134203791525012911120.75.4$801K
1971 California AngelsOF7418217412488042011417020.24.1$1.02M
Advanced Hitting Stats
1964 Chicago CubsOF139520497.24195.246.26886.277.404108.409.67398.685.038$3.06M
1965 New York MetsOF82162156.17972.185.20566.212.31484.318.51976.530.019$615K
1967 Philadelphia PhilliesOF346659.15361.157.20366.210.30584.314.50875.524.051$206K
1969 California AngelsOF286056.304123.313.350109.354.536145.543.886128.897.071$443K
1970 California AngelsOF68146134.276111.283.336104.339.470124.472.806115.811.037$801K
1971 California AngelsOF74182174.276112.284.30496.309.391107.400.695102.710.023$1.02M
Fielding Grades (Fielding/Range/Arm)
1964 Chicago Cubs------------C-/A-$3.06M
1965 New York Mets------D+/D---D/D-A+/D-$615K
1967 Philadelphia Phillies------D-/D-D/D---A+/D-$206K
1969 California Angels----A+/D-------A+/D-$443K
1970 California Angels----D-/D---D-/D---D-/D-$801K
1971 California Angels----A+/D-------A+/D+$1.02M

The entire playing career for Billy Cowan is displayed above. All columns may be sorted by clicking the column name. Clicking on an indivdiual season will display the team's roster for that season.

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