Theme League Information
$110M Cap--Decade Tiered Salary Challenge
Seasons 1940-2019........, Pick a decade (not a 10 year period) and create a team through a tiered salary challenge. *take note of the seasons that are blacklisted You must draft 3 players between 7M and 7,999,999, 3 players 6M - 6,999,999, .etc.... , 3 players 1M - 1,999,999, 3 players 200K - 999,999. Your 25th player can be any salary at all (including more than 15M). 110M cap, players and parks 1940-2019. No DH, clones, ...also Ketel Marte 2019 is banned..1981, 1994,1995,2020- banned
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