SimLeague Baseball Player's Guide


We truly hope that you enjoy SimLeague Baseball. It has been an ever-evolving game making the most from user suggestions and involvement for about seven years now.

We have referenced the knowledge base as a great source for SLB answers and deeper explanations of the topics discussed in this Player's Guide. We would also like to note that the Forums can be a good place to visit to find answers from helpful users. Most users do help and we monitor the information stated there enough to know whether anything is wrong, but please always take what is posted in the Forums with some caution.

With any further questions or suggestions, or for definitive answers not found in the forums, please contact customer support. We answer all tickets within about 24 hours (usually much quicker) so this is a great way to reach us.

Also, we will add to the knowledge base and player's guide when we feel necessary, so any input through customer support is appreciated.

For details regarding recent updates, you can view the release notes.

By participating in a game, all users agree to our rules of Fair Play

Thanks and good luck!